Yserbius Gaming

Welcome to Yserbius Gaming, Pardon the mess while we restructure the website.

Recent content by Geleuvdrudd

  1. Geleuvdrudd

    Yserbius 2

    I feel horrible, I have been so busy, I saw the notification in my email and was like omg, I haven't logged in for forever. I hope things are progressing. 2020 was rough for everyone, I do hope everyone is well.
  2. Geleuvdrudd

    NEW WEBSITE - Here it comes!

    Wow, haven't been on the site in a while (hurray life), I like the look of it. Good to see everyone is still around. Excited to hear about Yserbius 2 0.O
  3. Geleuvdrudd

    Warcraft III players

    lol guess noone plays WCIII n e more lol
  4. Geleuvdrudd

    INN Revival: Yserbius News

    TY just downloaded those files and made appropriate changes works and looks just like it did 12 years ago lol ty c y'all in the 'cano ;-p
  5. Geleuvdrudd

    OMG Freakin VISTA

    TY again tiger lol I am indebted to you ;-P works great
  6. Geleuvdrudd

    HEY what happened to the nifty Swords???

    TY again lol I'm sure your sick of "hearing" that but thank you just the same:-P
  7. Geleuvdrudd

    HEY what happened to the nifty Swords???

    My signature now has a bunch of colons ..lol and forward slashes did you guys take out the sword ??
  8. Geleuvdrudd

    Holy Cow Im Back :-p

    Ty Tiger good to be back and it is pronounced gel-uhv-drud :-P gel with a long L and the g like the g in grape not like the gel for ur hair, wich if ur n e thing like wolverine you need alot of lol
  9. Geleuvdrudd

    OMG Freakin VISTA

    TY Tiger lol Vista really irks me, I have a game called Total Annihilation Kingdoms which was made in '96 - '97 and that works fine on Vista, then I have this game called Dungeon Lords made in '06 that is not compatible at all with vista............arrggghhh how can a game that came out...
  10. Geleuvdrudd

    OMG Freakin VISTA

    Hey slo or tiger or n e other site admins navic etc.....:-P do you have patch or a ver of yserbius that is compatible with windows vista??? If it already is then i feel stupid:-( i used the command prompt but the error i get is "this system does not support full screen mode" i can still...
  11. Geleuvdrudd

    Warcraft III players

    Hey does n e one here play WCIII if so lemme know I'm in clan M4D it's a HeroWar clan if your good at HW lemme know if you need a clan :-P I play on US West Name is Kilorien
  12. Geleuvdrudd

    World of Warcraft, server? Faction? Class? Level?

    I dont play WoW n e more but i did i was lvl 31 paladin I just stick to WCIII im in clan M4D name is Kilorien Im pro at Hero Wars ;-P I also been playin Last Chaos It's a free MMORPG you can get it at www.aeriagames.com UMMM SLO if im not supposed to post links lemme know, its been too...
  13. Geleuvdrudd

    Holy Cow Im Back :-p

    Well sorry I've been out of the community for so long lol...now I'm a Noob I've been movin, and havin a baby, well not me persay, but havin to deal with my wife:-P I might as well have lol. Well good to see it up and running. Missed everyone Tiger, Slo, that crazy drunken dwarf ;-P...
  14. Geleuvdrudd

    Heroes v. 24

    OMG I have not been logged in for like 2 months moving and all that. finally got settled :-P N E way I like both but if I had to chose one (which thankfully I don't) it would be Heros
  15. Geleuvdrudd

    Avatar Issues

    I usually consider myself pretty good with computers, but I cannot upload an avatar from my machine. I have followed the parameters on width, length, and on file size, but am still unable to upload my picture. Any comments or ideas would be appreciated.

Yserbius Gaming News

The site will be going live soon folks. Some of the features require we be live to fully tweak the settings and find the bugs. I ask that if you see something please say something so that we can get on the issue quickly. There will be a Bugs forum thread created for this to make reporting easier and allow us to create a fix list.

Yserbius 20th Anniversary

Yserbius.Org was registered in 2005 originally and began as a barebones website with a free bulletin board script. I was a newb to all things web related. Within a few days Tiger signed in and Navic and a small community began. 2025 will be our 20th year on the internet. We hope you keep checking in on us to see what we are up to.

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