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Aministrative emails January 2008


Active Members
Happy new year everyone!

Slohand, whats the logins for YsEnt.com?

Whats the software youre using for Ys2? I forgot... lol

I'm going to get back into replacing all the weapins I lost and make more for use in Ys2 with MilkShape as well as continue to hone the story/quests I sent you last week. Let me know if you have any suggestions or changes as I'll be adding a Project tracker to YsEnt.com soon as I can, that way any changes made, we all can see and we can stay on the same page.

I'm sad to say thats pretty much why I gave up on trying... I was getting frustrated with the programs we were using plus the lack of communication.


Staff member
Will get the log in info for you,,,

I got my first quest to work today, here is the code i used to make it work
[SIZE=1][COLOR=#0000ff]function[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1] Main()[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Player = [/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#ff00ff]Actor[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1]()[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]PlayerName = [/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#ff00ff]Name[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1](Player)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Target = [/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#ff00ff]ContextActor[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1]()[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]TargetName = [/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#ff00ff]Name[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1](Target)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]QuestName = [/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#808080]"Rats in the Feed"[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]QuestResults = [/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#ff00ff]QuestStatus[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1](Player, QuestName)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]QuestReturn = [/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#808080]"Return to "[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#808080]$+[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1] TargetName [/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#808080]$+[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#808080]" to complete this quest."[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=#008200]// Objective Variables for Quest completion[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]WaitRace = [/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#808080]"Rat"[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]WaitClass = [/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#808080]"Critter"[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]WaitKillQuantity = [/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#ff0000]5[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=#008200]// Variables for Rewards[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]RewardMoney = [/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#ff0000]1000[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]RewardXp = [/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#ff0000]200[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]RewardItem = [/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#808080]"Bread"[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]RewardItemQuantity = [/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#ff0000]5[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]RewardFaction = [/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#808080]""[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]RewardFactionValue = [/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#ff0000]0[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]QuestStatusText = [/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#808080]"Help "[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#808080]$+[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1] TargetName [/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#808080]$+[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#808080]" by killing 5 rats !"[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]D = [/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#ff00ff]OpenDialog[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1](Player, Target, TargetName)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=#008200]// Player Greeting to NPC:[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=#ff00ff]DialogOutput[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1](Player, D, [/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#808080]"Hail "[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#808080]$+[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1] TargetName [/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#808080]$+[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#808080]""[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1], [/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#ff0000]238,[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#ff0000]218,[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#ff0000]106[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1])[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=#ff00ff]DoEvents[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1] ([/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#ff0000]1000[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1])[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=#008200]// NPC Greeting to Player:[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=#ff00ff]DialogOutput[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1](Player, D, [/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#808080]"Hail "[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#808080]$+[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1] PlayerName [/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#808080]$+[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#808080]""[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1], [/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#ff0000]164,[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#ff0000]238,[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#ff0000]108[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1])[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=#ff00ff]DoEvents[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1] ([/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#ff0000]1000[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1])[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=#0000ff]If[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1] (QuestResults $= [/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#808080]""[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1])[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=#008200]// The quest needs to be started[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=#ff00ff]DialogOutput[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1](Player, D, [/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#808080]"This months supply of oats was taken by a blood thirsty pack of rats. You can find them off to the west."[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#808080]$+[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#ff00ff]CHR[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1]([/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#ff0000]44[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1]) [/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#808080]$+[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#808080]" Kill 5 of them and I will reward you greatly! Will you help?"[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1], [/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#ff0000]255,[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#ff0000]255,[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#ff0000]0[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1])[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Result = [/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#ff00ff]DialogInput[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1](Player, D, [/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#808080]"Sure thing !"[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1], [/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#808080]"Aww but they are so cute !"[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1])[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=#0000ff]If[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1] (Result == [/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#ff0000]1[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1])[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=#008200]// Create the new quest[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=#ff00ff]NewQuest[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1](Player, QuestName, QuestStatusText, [/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#ff0000]141,[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#ff0000]241,[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#ff0000]241[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1])[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]QuestTemp = QuestName [/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#808080]$+[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#808080]": "[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#808080]$+[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1] QuestStatusText[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=#ff00ff]Output[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1](Player, QuestTemp, [/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#ff0000]255,[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#ff0000]255,[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#ff0000]255[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1])[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=#ff00ff]CloseDialog[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1](Player, D)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=#008200]// Wait for Kills[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]WaitID = [/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#ff00ff]ActorID[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1](WaitRace, WaitClass)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=#ff00ff]WaitKill[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1](Player, WaitID, WaitKillQuantity)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=#ff00ff]UpdateQuest[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1](Player, QuestName, QuestReturn, [/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#ff0000]141,[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#ff0000]241,[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#ff0000]241[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1])[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]QuestTemp = QuestName [/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#808080]$+[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#808080]": "[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#808080]$+[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1] QuestReturn[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=#ff00ff]Output[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1](Player, QuestTemp, [/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#ff0000]255,[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#ff0000]255,[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#ff0000]255[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1])[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=#ff00ff]CloseDialog[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1](Player, D)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=#0000ff]ElseIf[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1] (QuestResults $= QuestReturn)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=#008200]// The quest has been almost completed, assign rewards[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=#ff00ff]DialogOutput[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1](Player, D, [/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#808080]"You have completed "[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#808080]$+[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1] QuestName [/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#808080]$+[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#808080]""[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#808080]$+[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#ff00ff]CHR[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1]([/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#ff0000]44[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1]) [/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#808080]$+[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#808080]" great job !"[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1], [/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#ff0000]255,[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#ff0000]255,[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#ff0000]255[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1])[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]DialogResult = [/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#ff00ff]DialogInput[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1](Player, D, [/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#808080]"Goodbye"[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1])[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=#ff00ff]CompleteQuest[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1](Player, QuestName)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=#008200]// Item reward for Step/Quest[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=#ff00ff]GiveItem[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1](Player, RewardItem, RewardItemQuantity)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=#008200]// XP reward for Step/Quest[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=#ff00ff]GiveXp[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1](Player, RewardXp)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=#008200]// Money reward for Step/Quest[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=#ff00ff]ChangeGold[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1](Player, RewardMoney)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=#008200]// Faction change[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=#ff00ff]ChangeFactionRating[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1](Player, RewardFaction, RewardFactionValue)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=#ff00ff]Output[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1](Player, [/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#808080]"You take "[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#808080]$+[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1] RewardItemQuantity [/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#808080]$+[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#808080]" "[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#808080]$+[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1] RewardItem [/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#808080]$+[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#808080]" and "[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#808080]$+[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1] RewardMoney [/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#808080]$+[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#808080]"gp and "[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#808080]$+[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1] RewardXp [/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#808080]$+[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#808080]"xp you have earnt it!"[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1])[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=#ff00ff]CloseDialog[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1](Player, D)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=#0000ff]ElseIf[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1] ([/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#ff00ff]QuestComplete[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1](Player, QuestName) == [/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#ff0000]1[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1])[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=#008200]// The quest has been completed[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=#ff00ff]DialogOutput[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1](Player, D, [/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#808080]"Thanks for helping me out with "[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#808080]$+[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1] QuestName [/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#808080]$+[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#808080]""[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#808080]$+[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#ff00ff]CHR[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1]([/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#ff0000]44[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1]) [/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#808080]$+[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#808080]" I have no other quests for you at this time ... good day !"[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1], [/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#ff0000]255,[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#ff0000]255,[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#ff0000]255[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1])[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=#ff00ff]DoEvents[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1] ([/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#ff0000]1000[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1])[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=#ff00ff]CloseDialog[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1](Player, D)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=#008200]// The quest has been started but not completed[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=#ff00ff]DialogOutput[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1](Player, D, [/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#808080]"You have not yet completed the "[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#808080]$+[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1] QuestName [/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#808080]$+[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#808080]" quest for me!"[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1], [/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#ff0000]255,[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#ff0000]255,[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#ff0000]255[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1])[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=#ff00ff]DialogOutput[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1](Player, D, [/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#808080]"You will need to begin your last task again"[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#808080]$+[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#ff00ff]CHR[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1]([/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#ff0000]44[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1]) [/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#808080]$+[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#808080]" "[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#808080]$+[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1] QuestStatusText, [/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#ff0000]255,[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#ff0000]255,[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#ff0000]255[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1])[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]DialogResult = [/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#ff00ff]DialogInput[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1](Player, D, [/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#808080]"Goodbye"[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1])[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=#ff00ff]CloseDialog[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1](Player, D)[/SIZE]

I posted a few video clips on the site to show you guys different weather effects. I am currently working on a mini dungeon that will be placed where through the stone wall gate you see in the video clip. there will be a short section with a couple mobs in it and then a portal to the next zone. Slohand


Active Members
Thats awsome!

The RealmEditor website looks like it's grown... I downloaded it again and will try and reinstall it soon as I can.

If you can get me the login info that'd be great, I can get to work on it again...


Active Members
Ok, I reworked a portion of the map we agreed on, or atleast I think we did.... Here's the map again. Notice I added a milage indicator. This will give you the desired size you wanted, but still confining the story to the island, which the previous Yserbious did... Keeping the story, Island based at anyrate.

The volcano size and shape is a combination of Mt Hood and the Sandia's Mountain Range in New Mexico. Yes, I did my studying before adding the milage... Hehehe... The mountain range alone is about 41 Miles long, so I estemate the entire main body of the island to be around 80-90 miles long and about 50 miles wide at it's widest point. So, if my math is correct.. Which it prolly isn't, that should be about 4500sq Miles of gaming space! And thats not counting the broken islands which I thought we agreed would be part of an expantion.

Now, here's what I need from you Slohand... I need you to decide, or suggest where you want each race to start off (own)... What area's are going to be theirs? What Races did we finalize? We can't limit ourselves to what Realmcrafter may or may not be able to handle, let's aim high... If we're going to make an MMORPG that needs to compete or, maybe not compete, but get noticed, it has to be inovative... Setting the owner zones, will do two things... Give you a place to start when making the starting quests as well as define the races.

P.S. And yes, I still need the login info... ;-p


Staff member
I want every race available in Yserbius to be playable in game. In stead of Chaos and Harmony living together in total harmony (so to speak), We are going to come up with a story line that seperates these to lines down the middle. but makes each race playable in both factions. a regular Good vs Evil, there will be Orcs and Trolls Playable on both sides, I have put time into namings such as Cave Orcs Clan, Swamp Trolls, this will give us a different point at which to send a player when they are created. I have made only some zones PVP'ble so there will be areas where these races and factions may mix, The Zone i have been doing the pics and videos in now are Mountain Men a class of Humans Good in Nature (Harmony) but with a bold spirit of adventure. Quest in this area will be merely to raise the player to level 5 before sending them off to a bigger more detailed zone with more quest, and dungeons. Humans starting in this zone will be Knights, Barbarians and Merc's.

See image below for detail (of course this can be updated as we see fit.



Active Members
Ok, I'll factor this into my Outline.... What is the size of each zone that you'd like to have? Also, are we going to have the main town (forget the name) as a nutural area? (Points to the town on the edge of left edge of the island). That's prolly a "zone" or two in of itself... But in open area's such as Sword Swamp, ect, what's the size you want them? 5miles? More? Where on the map would you like to see these races start then? Or are we sticking to the main nutural town mentioned above as the starting point, but settlements have sprung up in say, Sword Swamp for Troll's to go to and base themselves out of.. .(Chaotic side)? Right, am I explaining this correctly...?


Staff member
Something else we need to consider

I am thinking for now a level Cap of 50 (this allows us a optional add-on later with higher levels) Also I think like Wow and DAOC and a lot of others the game needs to be Quest based to keep attention so with that

Quest we need to consider how many quest will be required per zone

Zones ,X number of Classes per zone ( if starting zone), Level range per zone, time to complete quest (increases exponentially per level) Xp to make next level/Quest Xp Reward,

I did some basic spread sheet calcs on it and came up with a potential 12,000 quest will have to be developed to raise all classes and races from 1 to 50. Now what I did not factor in is how many quest will be able to be shared, ie. Kill quest for xp for similar classes, I think we can probably cut that number down to perhaps 3000 quest or so.


As far your map, I like it a lot, I would like to see it photoshopped onto a parchment background removing the water texture and just leaving the parchment material for the water and just naming the oceans surrounding the island so people know it is water. Sort of like WOW’s world maps. I will be working on naming for zones, towns and such for the map and will post my ideas once I have some of it done.

When you get back to your weapons, make me a long sword and make a .b3d model and I will bring it into the game and get a screenshot of it. We can see how it looks.


Active Members
Well, I'm prolly goina be putting my foot in my mouth by the end of this, but let's shoot for 12k... lol I have no problems at this point in time, writing that many. But knowing what I have to work with, is where you need to come in and say... "We have x number of items in game, with x number of NPC's, with x mount of monsters/mobs in x number of zones/instences."

Oh, and ya didn't awnser any of my questions really... Other then name of zones... ;-p

Symantics can be done whenever, parchment no problem... I'm just using this one as a "tack board" for pinning things here and there, fleshing out the map, ect... If you need or want it as a promotional thing, no problem... but we need to "pin" other points of interest... Sword Swamp, Mace Manor, ect... DE is obvious... lol

Another idea here, weekly phone calls? I can call free pretty much if I add you to my Favs on my Cell phone....

Oh, and I DL'ed RealmQuest... I'll install it as soon as I can sit at my PC... Prolly this weekend? Not likely to tonight.... Wish my Lap Top was comtadable with it and MilkShape... lol Friggen Vista... Anyway, I'll flush out some more quests... If you make changes to something though, you need to tell me so I stay on the same page, otherwise what I have is what I figure is goina happen...


Staff member
you mentioned having sent me some quest, did you put them in the admin forum? i cant find them perhaps i am just blind...


Active Members
LOL I wondered... But since that was another one of the questions ya didn't awnser... I let it go... ;-p
From: http://yserbius.org/forum/showthread.php?t=2975&page=3

Tiger said:
Uh, what happened to the document? I'll have that "attatchment" portion ready tomorrow... Also goina see if I can round up my sketch book and break out some scenes for ya.
Here's the attatchment again... You'll have to DL it, since for some reason, I can't attatch it here, becuz it exceeds 19kb... Which would explain why it didn't get added a few weeks ago... WTF? I didn't change or update it yet as I'm still working out the idea's... Hence my new questions above... ;-p

Tiger said:
What is the size of each zone that you'd like to have? Also, are we going to have the main town (forget the name) as a nutural area? (Points to the town on the edge of left edge of the island). That's prolly a "zone" or two in of itself... But in open area's such as Sword Swamp, ect, what's the size you want them? 5miles? More? Where on the map would you like to see these races start then? Or are we sticking to the main nutural town mentioned above as the starting point, but settlements have sprung up in say, Sword Swamp for Troll's to go to and base themselves out of.. .(Chaotic side)? Right, am I explaining this correctly...?
And don't forget...

Tiger said:
Another idea here, weekly phone calls?


Staff member
Ok here is what we have so far, The Zone i am working now is Misty Hollow, thats why there is alot of Fog, Snow, and such in the area. I will be adding the Volcano Mesh pretty soon to it, you wont be able to access the Volcano yet and it will appear to be in the distance and i have a Smoke Emitter to keep smoke coming out it.

My next Project is Twinion the Port City From which most people will hang out in it will be a neutral city of course as per the original storyline. There will be a walled city next to a big zone for leveling and quest. Off from that city zone will be a Castle the original Galabryan Castle which remains empty and the entrances locked and under City guard protection for now.

Since we can now run Instances we will be employing Instances for this castle in the near future when the city zone is complete. this will allow groups of adventures to hunt the castle in their own instance. without fear of it being over hunted.

Following that There will be Arnakkian's Castle by the sea which is closed and guarded by the Old guard of the Snow Elves as per original story line. but cracks in the wall and gates left open occasionally will allow adventurers the chance to explore the castle in their own instances.

Close to the cano we find Arnakians Palace partially destroyed by the cano again this is another dungeon site.

There is others too but to far off for now

As per your question, currently because of size restrictions , each zone is about 2 miles square. when they fix our MEga terrains there will be some 5 mile square zones. I can actually make 100 mile zones but this is alot of freaking work that will have to wait for another time when we have more developers

i let yserbius entertainment domain go because it was unused, so we will have to use yserbius.info i can set it up and take down my test software if you want this site.

weekly calls are good Sundays unless we are busy i have free calling unlimited long distance on my phone,
will keep working on a server so we can try it out online.

anyway i know am not answering all questions at once, hard to focus on work and this too.



Active Members
Anarkkian's Palace and Castle are diffrent locations? Assuming the awnser is yes, then I've plotted their location... And added snow, to go with the Snow elves....

Also I've added a few of my own, where the locations, geographically speaking, would fit.

If you want something moved, Paint it with a big pink dot and what you want there and I'll plot it...

2 Miles isn't bad, still falls within the alotted milage I setup... Just means more zones... lol And if we can get some communication built up, I'll try and help build on to what you've started....

Dude, next time a domain is up to drop, let me know, I'll take it over... I can't re-regster that one, since a after market rat took it... No biggy though, really.. Since it was kinda long... Glass Ent works... Uhmmm... Maybe we can work on a development company name, something small...

Call me this weekend then if ya get the time... I'll add ya to my favs so ya don't use up any minutes... Hehehe... So we can talk any time for as long as needed to hammer out some new idea's, get on the same page, ect.



Active Members
Slo, here's a revised version of the Doc, taking into consideration your outline of Races/Class/Alignment... If you have any corrections, then send them over... Cuz I gotta tell ya, I'm pretty proud of this document... LOL If we're not going to use it, then I'm not goina invest the time into it... ;-)

Also, this way we have a way to refer to quests and I'm not sure if the number/lettering system I gave it will work in RealmCrafter... If not, we can still use it and maybe have a codec somewhere when you make the quest, have it translate the number I gave to the one you had to use in RealmCrafter... Make sense? For example the Codex would say Q1-H-GO-WA/KN.2 in the outline is quest120549 in RealmCrafter...


Active Members
Aged Map? You wanted it, I delivered... If we are ok with this map, I'm going to release it in next months news letter....

(Fixed with Compass)


Staff member
I like this alot, Put the Compass like i asked in the YSDev post and it will be super super,

I read over your Dev Doc and really like it, the Naming Convention seems to work good, We will however need to have a Index of our own, with a Index of Quest by your Namings and a Quest title next to it, with a page number we turn to, to read details, eventually we will be working with a cordinate system and quest locations and item locations will be marked by cordinates.

i will rewrite a couple items and make my changes in Red so you can update the master and redistribute it, Great Job!


Staff member
wanted to mention that Quest and Dialogue scripts are saves as NAME.rcscript so Q1_H_CH_WA_KN_1.rcscript is a reasonable naming convention provided we have a index file (cheat sheet) of our own for faster viewing.


Active Members
Cheatsheat/Codex is not a problem... I'll need an example of what you'd like, since you'll prolly be reading it and using it the most... I can, and prolly should do that as I write the Outline... More indepth information such as quaridnates and variables should be in the codex... Think of the outline as a index, with supporting perodicals inside the codex giving more thechnical infromation.... Variables, quardinates, Quest Name if any, Giver, If/Then overview....

I added the compass per requested, can't believe I didn't think of that when I made it... lol


Active Members
Hey, Slohand

What was that domain I found for you awhile ago, that used to be registered to Sierra? The Imagin1.com? or something....?


Active Members
You still have it I hope? Can we use it for Development location? Meaning our combined efforts pool in a single area? I also have that development tracking tool we started using...