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An Auction for Rare Items...


Inactive Members
I would pay good money for Bones to write a story just for me. Especially if it were to be donated to the upkeep of this site.

I would pay good money to be mailed Tater's red thong - and I wouldn't even fuss that it was obviously new (please god), as long as it was signed Wid' love, from yer Tater, or something of the sort.

What I'm getting at here, is that this is a golden opportunity for creative people to share a talent for the good of a site we want to see continue. Its important to put your money where your mouth is sometimes, it makes you value things more. They've done studies, its true!

One of my most treasured items is a comic book that Badgerbane penned and illustrated waaaay back in 1993. To this day it sits in its plastic wrap in my special place for secret treats. I would love to have the opportunity to add to my horde of treasure.

Imaginations could be used, if you could sing, you could offer a recording to auction, with hopefully naughty songs, but I'm just that way. If you could draw, you could offer a picture. If you're a funny person, you could offer to amuse the winner of your offering with a fun filled email a week for a month or two.

The list of possibilities is endless and unlimited. It could be a silent auction, with bids going to Slohand, so if it turned out that nobody really wanted Bourne's REALLY LARGE umbrella that I just sent over to his table (see some other thread for that reference ;p) then he wouldn't have to feel bad, not that a real barb's ego could be dented - and truly, I would buy Bourne's large umbrella if he'd circle a spot on it and say "Just for you China - I spit HERE". *laughs* Hmm... that's almost priceless. :)

So, I'm just brainstorming because thats what I like to do. Plus I know how much my little treasures mean to me, and I like to see creation. What do you think?

I have the last unused Merc Tshirt. It sits in a place of honor in my special treasure trove. It reads on the back:

The Merc World Domination Tour:

Yserbius 1991-1995 (Balor assured me 1991 was when he and AssassinTMG first thought up the Mercs while playing Red Baron - this was even before Yserbius was open)
Athas 1995-1997
Britannia 1997-1998

Coming soon to dominate a world near you...
www.themercs.org (and that website is DEFUNCT now, long story)

And on the front is the old Merc skull. With a TM through it.

I don't know if I could auction it.... but thats an example of a possibility. ;)


I could do a calligraphied scroll of my translated EgoPrime's Patented Pulversizing Platitude formula. He did NOT trademark it, and I was the one that broke it down, so I don't see why I can't sell it to the highest bidder.

Think of what your grandchildren will ask upon finding these treasures in years to come? "So, grandpa, did you do alot of drugs?" - "No, Johnny, just a little troll weed and some blue glowy stuff.*


Active Members
Hmmm... Thats a very interesting and good idea LC.... I like that idea alot....How to implement it....

Slo, Navic... Idea's?


Inactive Members
Pretty interesting idea hehe. I'm not so sure how much that crap that Bones spews out in his posts would go for on the market tho.. maybe 1 or 2 plats :p


Staff member
I a

I am sure we could dig out some old YSerbius Arties...........Maybe even offer some Other Items Equally Valuable as well. We will put our heads together and see what we can come up with and make a followup announcement soon, meanwhile if you all have more suggestions keep posting them here. we will keep writing down suggestions Thanks all for your support.. Slohand


Inactive Members
Oh no... Bones has to write something that includes the character that wins it. Think one of those children's books you can buy during christmas time from people with printers and a computer in the middle of the mall - "Your name", "Your dog's name", "Your most hated teacher's name". And then they spit out a story thats all about youuuuuuu, its all about youuuuuuuu.

Or - he could do a story thats all about himmmmmmmm, all about himmmmmmmm.... I'd definately cough up a few bones for it.

HA HA - THAT WAS A PUN. *groans* that hurt...


Inactive Members
Seriously, though - I'm gonna win a story by Bones. A grocery list is gonna be great by him. A hit list. Anything.

*prepares to be the highest bidder*


Inactive Members
<insert name here> runs to Bones's side and worships and serves him for the rest of their natural life. The End

Grocery/wish list:

Bones: tendons; ale, beer, mead, elven wine; someone to bone :twisted:
Bob: extra limbs, ArmorAll rotted flesh protectant wipes, deodorant spray, braaaains
Liz'rd: seasoned giant squall bird eggs, rodent stew, tongue piercings; sparring mate
Boo: flesh and bone; magicians hat, chains and padlocks, heavy magic chest; sexy female assistant who puts out; incorporeal viagra (for the previous)


Staff member
I will

I will be setting up a Auction Script for us to use once and if we decide to persue this,, it will handle all Bid sorting and email notifications will send a link once we have it in place.... Slo


Inactive Members

I'm thinking that the minute anybody's name is inserted into the above contract, their "natural" life will immediately cease to exist. This is a deal breaker for you - if, as I suspect, an "unnatural" life immediately commences, then the contract as written is null and void.

The problem with a guild of former baddies gone good is that it doesn't contain any lawyers to review your documents.

*hears the faint ba dum bum of a rim shot*

With love...