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anyone know of an items list for yserbius?


Message for Upgrade
Looking for one but not having much luck. would like to find something i could download and share with my sister in penn. as she is an old yserbius player also. anyone have any suggestions?


Active Members
This is all I have. It is the work of the ale drinker here.... errr the biggest ale drinker here...ok, the one that passed out on the bar.


Message for Upgrade
I just want to thank lady bry

she sent me a list like nothing i ever expected. It has everything about items especially weapons and armour breakdown.


Inactive Members
That list sure sounds familiar :)

I'll have to see if we can get a copy up-loaded onto INNrevival site.

BTW... what'd I do to recieve this "Navic has a little shameless behaviour in the past" rep!? One day I'm on the distinguished road, then BAM! Sheesh...