Yserbius Gaming

Welcome to Yserbius Gaming, Pardon the mess while we restructure the website.

Art Contest! Tee-Shirt Contest!

For anyone concerned about the discussion of the Cano and the DPI causing blury cano images on your shirt... Worry no more.. I talked to Cafepress and then worked with Navic on doing some tests and show that the Cano can be clearly seen at 10' away. So there's no Blurry images on the shirts in the store...

Tonights the last night for entries... So if you got one layin around, enter it! We'll be picking our winners Sat and Sun, and announcing it Monday. Hopefully... LOL

Good luck all.
Well... We're still goin over the numbers... Check the home page's news for more info...
Tiger said:
Well... We're still goin over the numbers...

Going over the numbers! What! Didn't I pay yas enought? :D

BTW I put a poll up for everyone to vote for thier fav.
Good idea..... And no, not that numbers.. The votes... Seems its coming down to Ohio.... :roll:
Why don't you have a TIE BREAKER vote...

This time I'll pay attention....and vote.

*waits for offers for gifts and exotic pleasures to flow her way from the two tied t-shirt contestants.*
Actually, only the collage votes count... :lol: J/K

Choosing two of you will be good... I think we've pretty much chosen among the Mods/Admins and we're all on the same page...
The lastest poll I set-up didn't count... just wanted to see what others thought... and none if ya's like my stolen idea! Dirty dogs... <Turns the "Open" light in the tav window off and locks up> :P
Are the rumors true? Is there munchkin slave labor going on? Are those T-shirts created in sweat shops where height-challenged people are forced to slave for hours in poor-kept facilities for mere pennies a day? :twisted:

Ahh what a twisted world Bones weaves
I do not in any way promote slave labor, unless the creatures are as annoying as munchkins.. then I encourage it... at least until their spirits are crushed. :twisted:
Spell said:
What I want to know is....
Who's going to model the T-Shirts and are they going to be doused in Ale first? :twisted:

HEY!! <smakes Spell> 8O Man... I leave for one minute and look what happens!!! You will NOT be watching any wet t-shirt contests!!!



Yserbius Gaming News

The site will be going live soon folks. Some of the features require we be live to fully tweak the settings and find the bugs. I ask that if you see something please say something so that we can get on the issue quickly. There will be a Bugs forum thread created for this to make reporting easier and allow us to create a fix list.

Yserbius 20th Anniversary

Yserbius.Org was registered in 2005 originally and began as a barebones website with a free bulletin board script. I was a newb to all things web related. Within a few days Tiger signed in and Navic and a small community began. 2025 will be our 20th year on the internet. We hope you keep checking in on us to see what we are up to.

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