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Asking for your help! READ FIRST!

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Time-2-time I'll be asking for help regarding In-Game Info on this forum. A good chunk has already been gathered and it's time to ask for your help. Currently I'm looking for info about spells and skills so I can finalize them. Each thread will be dedicated to a particular spell/skill that I haven't finished. If ya wanna volunteer please post on the thread so we can split up the duties.

Of course I already have the easy spells/skills done. Easy meaning the one's you see the results... stat increases, damage to monsters, etc. Now it's time for the hard ones... where the results are behind the scenes... Example: the shield spell doesn't raise your stats but some mobs can't hit ya. Why? Does it suck up a certain amount of damage? How does the different amount of skill points effect it?

We may have to come up with our own system for some of these.

For spells I'll need the mana cost to cast it for each point that's in it. Ex.
Blast 1 point costs 3 mana
Blast 2 points costs 9 mana
up to 12 points costs 180 mana

Other developers here are catching up to me and will need this info. Time to get to work Ladies 'n Gents. When Yserbius is up 'n running, all volunteers will drink for free! :p
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