Welcome to Yserbius.Org! Join our Ultima Online Private Server and have some old school fun.

Attitude's list of peeps she remembers!


Inactive Members

Rummy the old fart... where are you?

Alaric - lord on high do I remember our phone conversations AND our conference call with Sunshadow! whee I *know* Sunny remembers it!

Vicious - Girl I love ya... where are you hiding in Chicago?

Sybil - She hated me too but then again I sided with the OTHER side in a guild takeover. BAD BAD ME! Hope all is well with your psychotic self!

GODBANE - babe... where are you now!

Sot - hehe That boy hated me! Wonder where he's hiding!

Dreambabe - Got to get us all back together at some point!

Moodswing - ;D hehe I know where you are but I wanted to put you down too!

PShelter ~blink blink blink~

Locowolf where o' where did my rubberchicken go!

Angus/Seltus/hottyextraordinaire - whee I know where you are too! I gotta remind myself to call you and get your buns up here! Not to mention back over to our house to play sometime.

LoL Ya'll remember Kititara? I wonder what she's up to!

There are so many names I remember and wonder what they are doing today.

PBMAX - sniff sniff I miss you

WXONWXOFF - sexy texan nuff said o.o


Inactive Members
Attitude said:
Alaric - lord on high do I remember our phone conversations AND our conference call with Sunshadow! whee I *know* Sunny remembers it!
LMAO.. you are such a wench, sis! :p
But.. OMFG do I remember it *giggles*


Inactive Members

No mention of me? Vicious hater..I can't get on ICQ anymore..damn thing won't let me enter in the right PW ;x my AIM name is Runicholy if you use that.


Inactive Members
<considers all sorts of evil things to do that require little effort to Attitude for not including me on her list>

Oh wait.... hmmm.... this wasn't my name.... it was

Dr No