Rummy the old fart... where are you?
Alaric - lord on high do I remember our phone conversations AND our conference call with Sunshadow! whee I *know* Sunny remembers it!
Vicious - Girl I love ya... where are you hiding in Chicago?
Sybil - She hated me too but then again I sided with the OTHER side in a guild takeover. BAD BAD ME! Hope all is well with your psychotic self!
GODBANE - babe... where are you now!
Sot - hehe That boy hated me! Wonder where he's hiding!
Dreambabe - Got to get us all back together at some point!
Moodswing - ;D hehe I know where you are but I wanted to put you down too!
PShelter ~blink blink blink~
Locowolf where o' where did my rubberchicken go!
Angus/Seltus/hottyextraordinaire - whee I know where you are too! I gotta remind myself to call you and get your buns up here! Not to mention back over to our house to play sometime.
LoL Ya'll remember Kititara? I wonder what she's up to!
There are so many names I remember and wonder what they are doing today.
PBMAX - sniff sniff I miss you
WXONWXOFF - sexy texan nuff said o.o
Rummy the old fart... where are you?
Alaric - lord on high do I remember our phone conversations AND our conference call with Sunshadow! whee I *know* Sunny remembers it!
Vicious - Girl I love ya... where are you hiding in Chicago?
Sybil - She hated me too but then again I sided with the OTHER side in a guild takeover. BAD BAD ME! Hope all is well with your psychotic self!
GODBANE - babe... where are you now!
Sot - hehe That boy hated me! Wonder where he's hiding!
Dreambabe - Got to get us all back together at some point!
Moodswing - ;D hehe I know where you are but I wanted to put you down too!
PShelter ~blink blink blink~
Locowolf where o' where did my rubberchicken go!
Angus/Seltus/hottyextraordinaire - whee I know where you are too! I gotta remind myself to call you and get your buns up here! Not to mention back over to our house to play sometime.
LoL Ya'll remember Kititara? I wonder what she's up to!
There are so many names I remember and wonder what they are doing today.
PBMAX - sniff sniff I miss you
WXONWXOFF - sexy texan nuff said o.o