Welcome to Yserbius.Org! Join our Ultima Online Private Server and have some old school fun.



Staff member
Though I knew but little those that knew you well speak of you with much adoration and honor. May your journey be swift and your sword forever sharp. May the Light of Yserbius Surround you forever.,, Slohand ```


Message for Upgrade
Edit <lifts his ale and spills a bit for those who have gone before us>

One of the biggest pita's and also one of my better friends. From Yserbius and thruout Empiriana, Axel was a friend, foe and a brother. Venture well my friend. You will be missed.

heh,,,and now Axel is laughing at me because I forget to log on.
Least he knows the prceeding post was me.


Active Members
wherever your new life has taken you axel, my memories of you are both good AND bad. in any case you'll be a part of those memories all of my life.

to axel. :/


Message for Upgrade
Axel was such a pain in the ass.

May an afterlife exist for a warrior such as yourself. You were alive in the wrong age, my friend.


Inactive Members
Not Axel too :cry:
He was pain? I thought he was a sweetie : )

May he rest in Heaven and be finding comfort with our Lord.

God Bless you Axelrod


Message for Upgrade
I second that emotion. I knew well of Axelrod. Dare I say he was a friend? Axelrod that I knew was a fine warrior and a good friend of this cleric. There was many a good time for all to be found in the Tavern during my time there. I knew many a good soul even Sir Killl was a fine person. Still wonder where my bro-in-arms, Frodo of Twinion is lurking. May the Gods shine on all whom have dwelt in the shadow of Yserbius. Long Live the Queen!!

So says this cleric of old, lost on a quest for some time....


Inactive Members
I remember being really down one day and didn't end all of my sentences with a smile and he caught it and asked what was wrong. I don't remember the reason for my sadness but I remember his concern and how he cheered me on a dark day. That was Axelrod, even his name made me smile :)


Inactive Members
I remember the Axel and recall nothing but positive things about him. As we grow old its sad to think that many of us that are the frontier to online gamming will pass quietly. I think a place like this is a great way to preserve those folks who are no longer with us. R.I.P Axel and i hope if there is a afterlife....it has one hell of a gamming system for you.
