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Blizzard and Make A Wish Team Up For A Boys WIsh


Staff member
In a very touching moment, Blizzard has teamed up with the Make A Wish foundation to bring World of Warcraft to a 10 year old boy with a brain tumor. WoW Insider has a very touching story about his time spent with Blizzard to make his dreams come true.
Blizzard, hearing about Ezra's wish, arranged a whirlwind trip at Blizzard's main offices in almost no time. Ezra got to spend a long day with Jeff Kaplan designing a new weapon (a legendary flame-shooting crossbow), and a new character and quest. (Ahab Wheathoof) He was even allowed to add his dog Kyle to the game for the "lost dog" quest he designed. From there, he was taken to a recording studio and allowed to record his own voice-overs for this new character. On top of that, Blizzard bumped Ezra's own personal character to L70, outfitted him with all the best gear, gave him tons of gold. But before they were done, he was given the abilities of a GM, if only temporarily. This allowed him to have the power to death-touch some of the mobs recently on the PTR when it came time to test Supremus.
It practically brings tears to my eyes. I'm a big softie, I love hearing about things like this.
Thanks WoW Insider
