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Bryce 5.5 released


Staff member
Finally a new release of Bryce version 5.5 Apparently it has a new owner now DAZ you ve all seen those dazzling Photos done with Bryce well alot of you dont know it but you can create alot me. and with 5.5 the render time is increase dramatically.

I went to purchase the version and opted for the Boxed version at a new and unheard price of $109 bucks (download version is $100) and found that DAZ offered a Platinum Club Membership for 30 bucks plus 7.95 a month afterwords plus alot more you will have go read it for yourself. now I do so much 3d work it is worth it to be, it may not be to you though so my point being if I purchse the platinum program i get 30% off the purchase of Bryce 5.5 hmmmm no brainer with all the extra features the club membership gives you. So alas at the end of this all I am the proud owner of the newest version of Bryce. Hopefully it will get here soon lol. "I want to draw a pretty picture!!!" Slo