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Card Quest


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Card Quest

To finish the Cards Quest, you must have the Chess Piece and the Ace of Spades. First go to Labyrinth 1 and follow the yellow path through Sirocco's Door (refer to the Wind Knights' Key maps to know how to defeat him) and through the teleport to get to Labyrinth 2. Follow the path to a pit that takes you to Labyrinth 3, and from there follow the line to a teleport taking you back to another part of Labyrinth 2. From there, follow the yellow path to a teleport back to Labyrinth 1. Refer back to the first map and follow the yellow path to the blue locked door. Here you will need to use the Wind Knights' Key to unlock the door. Once you have done so, go to the pit indicated by the yellow path. This will take you back to Labyrinth 2. From there, follow the yellow path to the point marked J and fight the battle there to receive the Jack of Spades. Once you have it, follow the yellow path and drop into another pit that leads you back to Labyrinth 3. Once there, follow the yellow path to the teleport that takes you to the Castle Great Hall. Follow the yellow path to the Chessboard, which is where you have to have the Chess Piece. Step on the chess board and follow the sequence of steps, marked in yellow (for example, an arrow pointing south means face south and take one step) to the point marked with a Q. There you will receive the Queen of Spades. From that point, turn north and go 1 step forward to battle the Chess King and receive the King of Spades, marked with a K on the map. Once you have all four cards, exit the chessboard by following the white sequnce of steps. Once you have exited the chess board, follow the yellow path to a pedestal out in front of several pits, marked A. There, face west and use the King of Spades. It will create a bridge across the pit. Go across the pit and follow the yellow path to a locked door and a pit, marked with a red C. There, face west and use the Queen of Spades. Pass through the door and follow the yellow path to a locked door, marked D. There, face the door and use the Jack of Spades. After that, follow the yellow path to the point marked E on the map. There, face the locked door and use the Ace of Spades. Now, take the path back to point D and go through the door and follow the yellow path to the point marked F. This is a fountain; drink from it, turn around, and follow the path to the point marked E. There, pass through the door and follow to the point marked G. Drink from the fountain and you will have completed the Cards Quest. This quest does nothing more than increase your Initiative and Agility by 3 each; once you have finished the quest and drank from both fountains, throw away the King and Queen of Spades.

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