Welcome to Yserbius.Org! Join our Ultima Online Private Server and have some old school fun.



Staff member
I am Challenging everyone who reads this. to go our and post a http://www.yserbius.org link on every known Forum and Blog everywhere all across the internet. Any place that former Yserbians might frequent,, ie MMO Boards, Ign ,,, anyplace at all you can squeeze our link into I would ask that you post it. We need to find some more of our brothers and sisters and you can help make it happen. Go through your old ICQ list and see if you still have ICQ's for old Yserbius friends. Lets get out and find some more Yserbians Slohand


Active Members
VN Boards have already seen that link on one of their hottest boards.. but I haven't ventured to IGN as they frown heavily on cross post stuff especially when you're obviously a one sided poster (and can/will ban for that sort of thing) used to work for them actually, just left 'em about a month ago.

I've also posted on my new "home" - a gaming network yet to appear on the scene yet (we're still doing prep work) but have plans to post there once we're live. :)


Inactive Members
Has anyone tried AVATAR mud? I guess the most we could do would post a note there... not everyone reads em though... or if you know someone higher up.. maybe get it into the MOTD. A thought. I don't have any current charaters there..and I doubt anyone remembers me from my golden days of playing there. Back when I played though, there were a lot of INNers there.

Anyone here have connections there? ;)


Inactive Members
Here's the Avatar site's webpage:


SnowWolfe and I played there for quite a while, but we stopped a little while after we moved in together.

It's still up and running, I recreated Cyren, but a gnome mage is a pain in the butt.

I had a bunch of Avatar parties and met a lot of the old players, Imms and such, and was an Imm myself, but I got bored and wandered off and I'm afraid there aren't too many old timers left that I can find.


Message for Upgrade
I snuck a link in on a post over at /gucomics about today's comic (click the comic to read the forums attached to it). I used 'Where MMORPGs began' as a sort of slogan, because I thought that would pique some interest!


Active Members
Thats great...! I also hear that if you sneak in an idea for a comic, that he'll try to add the comic too... Anyone agree? If we could come up with a YS single panel idea... Maybe we can see if he'll make it... I'll email the guy later today...

Hey Listle, wheres the Forum? Could ya post a link...? I did a search for yserbius on GU and only saw it mentioned twice...


Active Members
I've been busy...


I submited to support@mmorpg.com to see who we need to talk to, to get yserbius in their DB. Yserbius was mentioned several times in their forums, but nothing really all that deep. So I posted... Hehehe...

I also posted at: http://www.giantitp.com/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.pl?board=gaming;action=display;num=1128099543

I also went to: http://www.mpogd.com, I submited news and the game itself to mpogd.com.

Here's what I posted there as news,

"Members of Yserbius.org with the help from several programmers, have begun to recreate the classic Sierra Online game Shadows of Yserbius.

Already deep in development, Yserbius.org has managed to get the classic Tavern launch in a Java ran environment. Not yet multiplayer, the developers of the recreation hope to have the full functionality of the tavern up within a few months of this news being posted.

The community at yserbius.org has grown extensively within the last three months, with over 200 members and dozens of content contributors. Their focus, is to bring back those that remember and played online a century ago, when it was still new and advanced as far MMORPGs go.

The premise of the game was to kill a evil elemental creature called En-li-Kil. There were a number of "rooms", where up to 30, then later 60 people could meet and adventure together in up to groups of four. Combat was turn-based.

The available professions were Barbarian, Knight, Ranger, Thief, Cleric, and Wizard. Player races included Human, Orc, Elf, Troll, Dwarf, Gnome, Halfling, and Gremlin.

Another popular pastime was player vs player sparring. This later became corrupted by cheating, as well as version compatibility issues, which later versions tried to address, but with little success. Later the Fates of Twinion (released in 1993), and the Ruins of Cawdor (released in late 1995) were released, but never reached the popularity of the original game. Yserbius in its online form was shut down permanently in mid-1996, along with the ImagiNation Network.

Many players were members of guilds ranging from the large SoF (Soliders Of Fortune) and KoY (Kingdom Of Yserbius), to the smaller guilds such as TheMercs, KoC (Knight of Chivalry), and KAAOS (Killing As An Organized Sport). Most guilds were based on role playing with very little questing being done later in the game. A handful of the guilds started in Yserbius during the early 1990's, such as TheCelts and New Outriders, still exist to this day.

Yserbius.org invites you to join the community and remember the bygone days that were Yserbius."


Inactive Members

YOU SAID: (how do you make the little box with a direct quote anyway?)

...Their focus, is to bring back those that remember and played online a century ago,...

Dear GOD, Tiger... Do I need any help at all with feeling decrepit? I've spent YEARS with the god awful Merc UO recruits - not one of them over 14 at the time of their recruitment, I don't think. Thank god they all went and became Purple Muffin Syrup Suckers, or something of the sort... I lived through their puberty, and it wasn't easy, believe me, OR FUN. I just find the Arcanus Yserbian crowd, who, for the most part - and due to the 150.00 a month unlimited account bills - are adults. Now you go and turn us all into centurians? Hmm.. is that the right word? Really REALLY old people.

Though it did catch my attention, right off the bat. That was probably your ploy, eh? Or did you mean .... "played online during the last century." Which is entirely different.

Oh well. I have wings, I can fly. Even if I'm molting.

- and NO, ARBOC, I AM NOT A CRITIC. I AM A PEST. Thats entirely different too-


Active Members
LOL Well, it makes it seem... Uhm... Deep in MMORPG culture... I guess... And yeh, it was to grab the readers attention... :lol:

We're all old now BTW.. :wink: And if ya ever knew a Merc, which most of us do... Or KAOOS for that matter, we all survived their puperty... :lol:

As for the qoutes.
[quote="persons name"] Message. [/qoute]