Welcome to Yserbius.Org! Join our Ultima Online Private Server and have some old school fun.

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Hi ladies/gents.
This is Nigel, author of the FAQ with xenther that popped up here and the Fates of Twinion FAQ.

Lordy, I remember working on those, about 9 years ago, when I was a kid. 8) Was roaming around the internet bored and can't believe I found this site! I downloaded/installed the solo versions of the game and had a blast. I actually have the boxed up version of YS/FOT, probably the only possession I still have after 9-10 years.

Anyone working on getting a multiplayer version up and ready? I know C/C++ very well (actually a coder on my MUD which is down right now (Sentience - http://sentience.sanc-roleplay.org) which maybe has a playerbase of max 30 at a time, but usually much less); Depending on how much workload is required, as I am big time busy with university these days, I might be able to help code. I will definitely make at least some donation monetarily to keep this going if required!

Such a pleasant surprise to see any interest in good old INN at all! I really felt that in 10 years a better RPG had never been made.




Staff member
Well met

Well met my friend,, Your Walk through is definitely a awesome piece of information. I have used it many times. We placed it here to insure its survival. There is a effort underway to revive YS we would welcome all who have wonderful gift such as yours with programming. I will send you a PM with a couple questions for you. Thanks for coming and check back often there is always something going on here... Slo