KoY used to have the most amusing ceremonies for entrance and promotion. All would gather in the tavern - Sword Swamp is where I witnessed this tradition time and again - OUT would come the KoY sword o'chaos, or maybe it was the sword o'harmony. It was a REALLY big sword, regardless. Down on one shoulder it would sail, up and over to the other shoulder. A few words were pronounced, a new KoY made or raised. My part lay in the fact that I could never ignore the blood that would spurt from the almost always nearly severed ear of the current lucky KoYling - out I would rush from the shadow of the tavern, bandaid in hand. I don't think any high ranking KoY ever thanked me for my aid to their guild. Not once. Humph... Oh sure - they TRIED to tell me there was no blood, no dangling ear, no internal screams of pain from the KoY newb of the night - I never fell in to the trap of denial. Nope. There I was, with my bandaid, always...
Its never too late to thank a helpful soul.
Its never too late to thank a helpful soul.