Welcome to Yserbius.Org! Join our Ultima Online Private Server and have some old school fun.

Lady seeks news of lovers/enemies - which are you?


Inactive Members
Cross the Cutter - thief, Sword Swamp

Trader Vic - an annoying bastard, Sword Swamp


Thyrm - oh my god, I LUST after him still aka Lord Graak

Darkprince - Red Hot Chili Peppers still to hip for you, oldster?

Shaman - because I'm not dead yet.

AssassinTMG - the first man to ever asked me to marry him and then tell me I smelled like a tunafish sandwich. And the last, come to think of it.

Nosferatu - King of the Wampir, partner of my Ensaneti.

Warlord aka FLASH. Oh....see how long my memory is?

Anybody else that remembers Lady China, Avalonia, Asrielle, Visage, Blacksun, Ensaneti all of whom were housed within me. Plus some! ;p


Inactive Members
Oh, I remember ye alright, and I can't say always fondly... nor that mongrel you drug around on the leash... what was his name? Balor was it? Yes, indeed that was it! Balor, Thyrm/Graak.. and whatever other rabble, always disrupting me weddings. Have you any idea how much alcohol I invested to get those ladies to the altar?

Anyways, I'd just as soon drop the whole lot of 'em into the pit of fire...


Inactive Members
<Laughing at Bourne's post> Thyrm was a bit of a strange one, but funny and witty. He and I got along well, I think 'cause most nights we were both 3 sheets to the wind, and I was the only one in Mercs as drunk as he was. I remember many, many mornings when his first words to me were "Did I throw anybody out of the Mercs last night?"
LadyChina, I remember you, and Balor, and of course Thyrm, and lessee if this is a bit of a "blast from the past" for ya... How's about TRAITOR? Remember that name from the swamps?


Staff member

WOw Graak thats brings back memories,, i seem to remember Graak when he was hanging with Delilah. Wow so many names coming back to me now.. Slo


Inactive Members

The energy I put in to pleasing you would be in direct proportion to the fondness that you remember me with, darling. I don't think I need to say more. It wasn't a leash that I was dragging Balor around by.

*smiles winsomely*


Inactive Members
Well ya do have one thing right... ya don't need to say anything more. :p *Mutters under his breath* Mouthy wenches...

Guess that's why Balor's nickname was "stretch"... poor fellow.


Message for Upgrade
(steps out from the shadows of the pillar, downs mug of ale) You will find a fond message of thee from me elsewhere in this forest. Friend or lover? well, at the time of our friendship, I didn't need another lover, nor did you if I remember correctly m'lady..... only so many hours in a day.... but clerics need to talk.... as do "proper ladies"(trying not to laugh), but we did have some interesting conversations if you do remember me.... not alot but funny.... I have finally found home, or is it? So much changes when you are gone for so long... I have traveled the Forests outside of the cano and yet I wonder why I feel so..... disconnected when I have come home...

I shall see you yet again, sooner I hope, when you are not so busy...
(walks towards the door and opens it) Fare thee well M'Lady China, it has been too long I fear.. (steps out and disappears)


Inactive Members
Hrm i had a character named Bane and i was in some sort of vampire guild ,
wow its been so long i think iremember lady china tho , heh this is great now if i could just get my DL of yserbius to work ..


Inactive Members
Thyrm - oh my god, I LUST after him still aka Lord Graak

Shaman - because I'm not dead yet.

Anybody else that remembers Lady China, Avalonia, Asrielle, Visage, Blacksun, Ensaneti all of whom were housed within me. Plus some! ;p
Aye m'lady ~ I remember you well ~ although not always with great fondness. LOL! I had a fascination of Balor that I just could not keep in bounds at times ~ as well as Thyrm and Jachyra. *chuckles* Actually, I was frequently lusting after all of them. And SHAMAN *recalling the mysterious and frightening ~ but seductive ~ character in the hockey mask* I do recall him well and the phone call I received from him at 3am. I *almost* agreed to meet him in the real, but in the end was too afraid. {{sighs}} Who knows what would have come of that? Hmmmm ~ perhaps I saved myself from dismemberment. {{shudders}}


Inactive Members
lookie here

Good ole Gamesman, whatever happened to that bastage?

It's been a long time folks. I'm still around though. Didn't even know this site existed.

KOY was my first guild you know. Lord Grakk was my character before I found the dark side. Well, I was in EXCALIBUR with Sir Kilyin as well. But nothing could compare to being a Merc. Those were the days.

Ah, the memories.


Inactive Members
I know a thing or two about crazies.

Anybody else that remembers Lady China, Avalonia, Asrielle, Visage, Blacksun, Ensaneti all of whom were housed within me. Plus some! ;p
I guess I qualify.

Lady China was a dangerous rocket booster mix of estrogen and insanity. Always starting fights, never finishing them. Balor was a saint. How many times did she nose her way into merc related meetings? BOOT!

Ensaneti was a bitter, bitter hag. You roleplayed a grumpy ex wife! At least to me. Wow, what a stretch. That is like Benicio del Toro winning an oscar for playing a mexican. What a stretch! Real talent!

Avalonia was the dearest, to me, of your delusional creations. Oh, to be a fly on that wall, now! Created for me, destroyed for you? Did she live before me? After?

I never did figure out what happened to her. Surely I can google up a journal full of stream of consciousness poetry and wiccan rock band lyrics to tell the tale, but I'd rather hear it directly from you.

Email is always open.

First Thyrm, now me? You must be beside yourself having real men around lately.


Inactive Members

No, Avalonia did not survive after your tender care in Ultima Online. I don't know about the wiccan poetry, but I do try to maintain at least a toe in the stream of Conciousness. I miss you.

Sir Dirk

Inactive Members
Ah yeah I remember a few of these names, Balor, Thyrm, Ironhorse, Bourne.
I was Sir Dirk, and Balok (which BTW had me arguing with Balor over LOL) and Hugo. cheers to all <downs an ale>

Sir Dirk was oddly enough a ranger who was betrothed to Queen Cherub of Royal Order of Chivalry when he was young, Balok was a Knight who did a stent in the MERCS although not sure why as chaos was never my way LOL. Hugo was a solo barbarian holding allegiance to noone.


Inactive Members
Ah Sword Swamp forever

Anyone remember me, Hunter from there? I was "married" to Jessica...still miss her a lot. Miss the game a lot, miss a lot of my friends from back then and some enemies too :)


Inactive Members
I remember Nosferatu and a few of the other names. It has been so long I hardly remember all the names I used back then or the clan I was in. All I remember was that Wampir was are arch-enemy our Leaders name was Paladin and One of my characters was named Lorik as for anything else I draw a blank. But am glade to see all you folks that I might have come across back then.