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New on WarCry: Stargate Worlds and Age of Conan!


Staff member
The WarCry site lineup keeps growing. Today we are happy to present Stargate Worlds on WarCry and Age of Conan on WarCry. These two new sites will cover both games as they move towards their respective launch dates.
Age of Conan is a mature MMORPG set in Robert E. Howard's epic pre-historic universe. On the PC and Xbox 360 players can fight their enemies, remove their limbs and fight from horseback. Fully DX10 compatible, this is perhaps one of the most visually impressive games in development. It is due out this fall. Check Age of Conan on WarCry often for more information as we develop a community around this exciting project.
Stargate Worlds from Cheyenne Mountain is developed by a new company full of MMO-industry veterans. David "Zeb" Cook of pen-and-paper and City of Heroes fame helps design this adaptation of the famous TV series Stargate SG-1. Future expansions will include Stargate Atlantis and other Stargate properties. The game uses the Unreal 3 engine and is still in early development. No publisher or release date is yet available. Check Stargate Worlds on WarCry often for screenshots, interviews, the latest news and constantly updated content.
