Welcome to Yserbius.Org! Join our Ultima Online Private Server and have some old school fun.

New registration policy initated


Staff member
Effective immediately every new registerant will be automatically placed into a usergroup awaiting Moderation by Tiger or myself.

I did set it up however so that while in this group awaiting moderation they will be able to go to the download section and be able to download the games. this is instituted for those only registering for the downloads.

For those interested in posting with us a short time will be required so that Tiger and myself can take a look at them and see what they are about. This should hopefully slow down some of the spammers. Any that do manage to slip past will of course be perma banned

Tiger if and when you get a chance if you could post a message in the Townhall to this effect i would appreciate it.



Active Members
Can you update the TownCrier to admin so he can post in the Town Hall?

I changed his PW too, will email that to you...