Welcome to Yserbius.Org! Join our Ultima Online Private Server and have some old school fun.



Inactive Members
Chain smoking cigarettes, skipping school, and losing sleep in my basement bedroom were not the only significant accomplishments at the ripe old age of 15 that INN helped me achieve. I met some amazing people that inspired and intrigued me. I do not know if you have ever visited Yserbius nostalgia sites Heather, but I would definitely like to talk to you.
DreamBabe - You remember me?
Mercurial - Savannah Wolf
Materva - Where the f*** are you, you drunk bastard?
Thyrm - My most vivid memory is the sound of your water bong.
Aries - You are NEVER on ICQ.
Ming/Rza - I miss you, honey.
Indigo - I miss you too.
If I left anyone out........please contact me cause I'm lonely.


Inactive Members

I'm never on ICQ because I forgot the damn PW and it won't let me login and it keeps saying the emails I put in are not the ones I specified...blahhhhh...read the PM i sent you ;x

I also moved two months ago so I have a new phone # ;x