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Message for Upgrade
(the parrot sat on a short pole that was slung over Mourninglory's shoulder. The end of the pole held a bundle filled with cheese and bread and a water skin. The advice continued non-stop, just the way it had been for the last 30 minutes.)

"Vat you vant to doooo, my darlink, is vait until zee dead of night. Zen ve vill find others such as ourselves vith vhich to travel."

(In the span of the 30 minutes since they'd left Evil Way for a tour of the realm, the parrot had confided that his name was "Beaker", he'd originally belonged to a crazed alchemist (weren't they all, I ask you) and years of sniffing quicksilver and other assorted fumes had taken their toll. He'd manifested an owl, a sergeant in the royal viking army, and was now, apparently, a vampire. It had been a very long half an hour.)

-I need to be what I was born to be, Beaker. I feel this is my destiny-

(She didn't bother to think about how redundent this statement was. Fine tuned thinking would possibly come - much later.)

"Velllllll, you may vant to suck some blood. Ve must keep open minds, and veddy sharp beaks, just in case!"

(She began to walk faster.)