Welcome to Yserbius.Org! Join our Ultima Online Private Server and have some old school fun.

Shared Server Offer


Active Members
Referencing the News Flash that I received in June:

Hello Slohand!

I would hate to have a site like this drop off the net for any period of time. Can I offer storage on my shared server to you to host Yserbius on? I have unlimited bandwidth and file storage available to me on a site hosted through ipowerweb.com

I realize that I'm not really active on these forums; but, I do care for games of the past and hate to see them disappearing. As an example, I'm one of the site maintainers for the file archive for the Forgotten Realms Unlimited Adventures (FRUA) files:


...and I also host the forums for FRUA:


Also, when the NWN forums were discontinued by BioWare, I copied all of the previous posts to a searchable archive for one of the active servers:


...and started a forum for the Hlontar NWN server:


Slohand, I'm more than willing to provide you your own FTP account to publish into a folder. You can copy all of the various files, forums and such there to keep it alive on the net. I'm willing to assist as much as possible as well.

Please let me know.