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Stratics Chat With Devs Reveals Quite a Bit


Staff member
The IRC chat with developers Tigole and Kalgan, sponsored by WoW Stratics, occured today, with 2,354 people in attendance. Among the more interesting questions answered were:
Brannoc: *little3* Retribution specced paladins are not seen as a viable raid choice as their DPS is 'low' and the support they bring could easily be done by another DPS class. Will retribution be made into a viable end-game raiding spec through either DPS increases or support increases?
Tigole: but then who will save the hunters, kalgan?
Kalgan: Yes, I'd like to see ret become a bit more raid viable in terms of dps and overall utility.
Kalgan: the ret pallies will save them!
Kalgan: next patch'!
Kalgan: ok, maybe not
Kalgan: or maybe...
Kalgan: Right. At any rate, something we've noticed in our testing is that ret pallies are in kind of a jam where their dps isn't enough to get the put in a dps group in a raid.
Kalgan: ... which makes their dps suffer even more.
Kalgan: Hopefully we can get that solved in a way that doesn't cause ret pallies to rule the pvp universe.
Other topics discussed included mage spell damage coefficient nerfs, attunement woes, content development, and above all GNOMES.
The full transcript is available here.
Oh, and for those interested, the patch is going live tomorrow. Just in case you were curious.
