Slohand is Slohand, deserves much respect, but not ass kissing. I think I could say I left my mark on the swamp, not a nice mark, more like a p00p stain, but oh well, you can't deny me that :twisted:
*enters Sword Swamp, looks around and wonders just exactly what the smell is..... smells familiar...... have been around it before.....* "haven't been in here in years.... remember more undead in here last time... hiya Cyren, Vena.... looks a lot like an old friends place from years ago.... I think it was in the next to last corridor in the bottom of the cano..... thats the smell! i forget his name... he had a rather interesting aroma about him.. *sees Dewm* "Hey dude, seen any new old friends lately?" *notices the blood dripping from Dewm's rear end.....* where did you find more hampsters at? your cousin had the last ones I have seen in years.... your not using rats again are you?you know they give aweful heartburn or did you not hear the story?" *pulls out a pouch and sprinkles some bats powder on a stool to clean it off....* "need a few new stools in here.... can you get us some Dewm, I have a new Mercs head you can have for the trouble? ....."