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The New SGW Warcry


Staff member
As we grow ever-closer to the final SGW product we've all ached for endlessly, it seems logical to hunker down and start really digging into the meat that makes this gaming experience worth sinking into. So, we here at SGW Warcry have decided to push onward and create a newer, more focused news community aimed at not just reporting the news as we hear it, but building and nurturing the kind of community that Stargate has long been known for.
In the coming weeks, we'll be introducing new, dedicated staff and a host of new features and community. And to see that happen, we've done away with the old system and brought in a host of passionate individuals willing to put in long hours for the chance to support what they love (that or they just want to see their names in giant print on the internet. shh!).
Please welcome our newest members to the frey - they'll be helping catch news from all segments of Stargate fandom and official sources, and they'll also be leading community events, reporting on Stargate-related happenings and getting involved in what will surely shape up to be an amazing community. Please say hello to: Moogleknight, StoneUsagi, and... well, myself!
In the coming weeks, you can look forward to seeing:
  • Weekly Polls
  • Directed Discussions
  • SGW Related News and Events
  • Original Columns from our Staff
And who knows - we may even manage to lure the devs into an extended chat or two.
Stay tuned for more in the coming days, and please say hello to our newest members below!
Site Manager
SGW Warcry
