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Where have all the good times gone?

How many of you have found love from INN or have lost love since joining INN??

  • Found Love since joining

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Lost Love since joining

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Message for Upgrade
As I sit here an' ponder all the good times we've 'ad, I can't 'member all the names and faces, but I 'member fondly the places I've been, the good times 'ad by all and mostly the 50 babies I delivered.... not to mention the weddings I have performed... Oh M'lady Kiri and Sir Oak where has all gone? I have wondered about them all during my quest into the Forest.... and yet I have come out on one side and found a peace I had never had and now I ponder the question... where'ave all my friends gone off to?

Frodo, Cleric of Yserbius, can be reached via e-mail at:
or leave a post here, on this tree, and I'll be back 'round to check from time to time...

Long live the King! Long Live the Queen!
M'Lady Kiri%POY%Queen
Sir Oak%POY%King


Message for Upgrade
Tiger,my kind sir, was a member of SOF, then POY. was back in the days of $120 for unlimited service (to all of TSN) ..... I believe me and my ex started in '92 and was on-line till Oct of '94 then was on a limited basis till end of the year.... was to darn expensive to start a new acct when we split up.... knew so many people I can't remember them all... LOL

If you know of Frodo of Twinion, my bro-in-arms, he may be able to timeline it for you... we made an agreement to not roleplay as same in each others lands... was less confusing and we were able to keep coherent conversations that way too... LOL never forget this girl who was in love with him and she thought I was he.... hahaha thats when I found him and we agreed to keep Frodo in our own lands as we were the only 2 at that time....

hope it helps :)


Active Members
Hmmmm... Nope... Hehehe... Was there for those years, and can't remember seein you in cahoots with POY... :roll:

Course, I am getting old... :wink:


Message for Upgrade
(bows so low head just misses the floor) an' now I know... :) amazing what knowledge does for ya.. hahaha ... hmmmm..... ponder on it for awhile...... ex was Diamond..... hear bells yet? I can't remember to whom I was married in the cano.... memory lapses and time has withered away the details, not to mention have lost several disks in the divorce processes.... but now I can say that God has blesses me a second time... I still love Diamond in my own way and wish her well.... but I could NEVER go back to her.... and I was blessed to still have life and now I have a new life I treasure even more than the 1st except I wish kids were closer :? but NO regrets..... Sezer should remember me.... LOL my journey into the Forest has done very amazing things to the mind.... :D

I am sure in time you shall remember me...

(stands up and steps back to depart) M'Lady..... till next we meet...
(vanishes but still talking) I have learned a thing or two, God save the Queen!!


Inactive Members
I married SnowWolfe, I met him in RPI. (On his arm was a woman named Cyrene, how many men have wives with the same name...)

And I found, uh, other love in INN also...but that's a whole lot of other stories.

But SnowWolfe is the one with whom I share a joint checking account.

We lived in sin for a long while, but the tax breaks for married people were just too nice, so we grudgingly became respectable.