As I sit here an' ponder all the good times we've 'ad, I can't 'member all the names and faces, but I 'member fondly the places I've been, the good times 'ad by all and mostly the 50 babies I delivered.... not to mention the weddings I have performed... Oh M'lady Kiri and Sir Oak where has all gone? I have wondered about them all during my quest into the Forest.... and yet I have come out on one side and found a peace I had never had and now I ponder the question... where'ave all my friends gone off to?
Frodo, Cleric of Yserbius, can be reached via e-mail at:
or leave a post here, on this tree, and I'll be back 'round to check from time to time...
Long live the King! Long Live the Queen!
M'Lady Kiri%POY%Queen
Sir Oak%POY%King
Frodo, Cleric of Yserbius, can be reached via e-mail at:
or leave a post here, on this tree, and I'll be back 'round to check from time to time...
Long live the King! Long Live the Queen!
M'Lady Kiri%POY%Queen
Sir Oak%POY%King