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Recent content by Leafsong

  1. L

    Who was this?

    Sham, There had to have been many, many things bothering him to take such a drastic step. Do not blame yourself, or think that maybe you could have stopped him. He needed a lot more help than you, I or anybody else on line were capable of giving him though we all have wishes that we could have...
  2. L

    POY History

    :) Tiger, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU For sharing that wisdom from Lady Kiri with us all. I read it with a smile and yes, even a tear in my eye from such wonderful memories. To see POY members again is awesome. POY may no longer be active, but the tenets of POY are still intact and live...
  3. L

    Who was this?

    8) Hail Tiger, good to see you again. I hope life has been good to you.
  4. L

    Who was this?

    8O WOW... Does this ever take me back some years. Hello/Howdy to all, especially the POY members. Regards, Leafsong... aka Burch, Alder, Maple and Oak the Retired POY King