I am now playing Border Lands 3. Have all 4 chraters at Sanctuary it is very much like Yserbius 2 much fun come hang out. Have Lasers cars, jeep, helicopters .Quest come join the fun or is that you ?
SeQuenta Journeyman
I want everyone 2 know that i am still Breathing Air. Sniper Elite is just 2 much U - Ban Station was there anyone there bad ass Module or Comic Book.
I am saying Dive into Veritual Reality.
SeQuenta The Man
I Repeat myself MMM Clear my throat. Lots of Hot Very Hot Cars. And Millions of dollars later. Like 27 Million Dollars. Beat my Ass Im still playing ScareFace and i love FeGe islands.
Shit Taken out of context i had not to do with that i live in St.Louis 7 states away from Florida.
Drivung Cars and Rolling the Cartoon Camera Angles
Well Iam alive and kicking, As well in ScareFace.
Millions of dollars latter. and lots of hot cars. Real Fun
SeQuenta Jorneyman and that aint easy either Right.
Well Iam alive and kicking, As well in ScareFace.
Millions of dollars latter. and lots of hot cars. Real Fun
SeQuenta Jorneyman and that aint easy either Right.
Good Idea
Was watching the Video. You featured and will comment The Earth has been routatting for million of years. And this is an Ice planet rember this last Winter. And the Video is Spackaling Video.
Adept 314-395-7811...
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