Yserbius Gaming

Welcome to Yserbius Gaming, Pardon the mess while we restructure the website.



Staff member
images courtesy of PaTchX


Thanks to PaTchX and Macros We are proud to announce this brand new re-release of Ruins of Cawdor. This was the third in the Imagination series preceeded by Shadows of Yserbius and Fates of Twinion. Until now this was lost to us all because it was a online multiplayer game only.

You can now download this version and apply the supplied patch and play the game in a offline mode. much like Shadows of Yserbius. So withouth further ado I will post the Instructions to install and you can get started.


Please note this game is only available for offline solo game play at the moment.

CMD Installation Instructions.

Recommended is the install of DOSBOX. But in my preliminary testing I was able to run it from a CMD window as well.

Download the program from the attachment here

Unzip this file to a directory (for example I made a directory called c:\roc)

Install the roc.exe file.

Then run the patchroc file to fix the game for offline play

then go to Start > run > type cmd > enter > navigate to c:\yourdirectoryname and run the cawdor.bat file it will load the game full screen and run much like it once did. (note you can add c:/yourdirectory to your path and only need to type cawdor.bat from the run box if you are experienced enough to do it.)

DOSBOX Installation Instruction

1. Install Ruins of Cawdor and apply the patch (let's assume installing to c:\cawdor)
2. Download DOSBox from http://dosbox.sourceforge.net
3. Install DOSBox
4. Go to Program Files -> DOSBox.conf
5. All the way at the bottom add the following lines (in the autoexec section):
mount c c:/cawdor

PaTchX said that if we should find any part of the game not playable to please make a note of what you were doing, where you were at and other pertinent information such as stats. It would be much appreciated.

THANKS PaTchX and Macros!!!

Attention File Latest File Patch 11/17/2006 1730hrs

Hello! I found information on the web that patches exist that allow you to play Ruins of Cawdor & Fates of Twinion offline.
My search led me to the web archive, there is a copy of the site, but the links to the patches are dead.
Please tell me if there is an opportunity to download these patches somewhere and finally play? Thank you so much in advance!
I spoke with Macros about this, and this was his reply.

Re Cawdor, I asked ChatGPT and it was surprisingly helpful:


Is there a patch available for Sierra's Ruins of Cawdor game so that it can be played offline?
ChatGPT said:
Yes, there is a patch available for Sierra's "Ruins of Cawdor" that enables offline play. Originally designed as an online multiplayer game, "Ruins of Cawdor" was later patched to allow solo exploration after the ImagiNation Network (INN) was discontinued.
Massively OP (https://massivelyop.com/2019/06/22/the-game-archaeologist-sierras-fates-of-twinion-and-ruins-of-cawdor/)
You can download the patched version of the game from the Internet Archive:
Internet Archive (https://archive.org/details/msdos_Ruins_of_Cawdor)
Please note that while the game is available for download, it is still protected by copyright. Ensure that you have the legal right to download and use the software in your jurisdiction.


Though, it seems like the Internet Archive page download link is not working for me. IA has been having issues, they have been the recipient of a lot of DDOS and hacking attacks over the last month and I think some of their content is still down.

The other person to ask would be the guy running the Yserbius rebuild, ZaneDubya was his name I think, that's his name on Discord at least. He's got a Discord channel for the Yserbius revival called MedievaLands if you don't have another way to contact him but I've seen him post at ys.org so should be able to contact him directly through there.

I'll keep an eye out for any other download sources for it and let you know what I come across. Hope all is well.
Thank you. Any news is better than no news at all they give hope :) I came across your link to the Internet Archive and I also couldn't download it at the moment - Stream only and them Failed to download IA item metadata!.
Looks like ChatGPT did mistake - the link he offers (at archive.org) is just a version from mobygames.com - I suspect this is a game with a REGULAR patch from Sierra and not that patch from PaTchX and Macros. ChatGPT simply put together UNRELATED information about two different patches from two different sources, deciding that it was about the same patch.

About Yserbius rebuild, ZaneDubya - I also came across this information, but it seemed to me that the work there had just begun and the release still far away.

Maybe this is a hint to me that I don't need to bother too much, but just go and buy Demise again (dungeon crawler, continuation of Mordor's ideas). I bought it once a long time ago then I have lost both the registration data and the email from which I made the purchase. Anything that doesn't kill us makes us at least a little smarter.
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Well Keep checking. Something is bound to pop up, that link on the forum was from a former iteration of yserbius forums with a different file structure. when i find some time go back through my backups from that era and see if i can pull the files out of the download sections that existed then. Will post here if and when that happens. there are other utilities that we had back then that would be useful now. Have a good week.!

Yserbius Gaming News

The site will be going live soon folks. Some of the features require we be live to fully tweak the settings and find the bugs. I ask that if you see something please say something so that we can get on the issue quickly. There will be a Bugs forum thread created for this to make reporting easier and allow us to create a fix list.

Yserbius 20th Anniversary

Yserbius.Org was registered in 2005 originally and began as a barebones website with a free bulletin board script. I was a newb to all things web related. Within a few days Tiger signed in and Navic and a small community began. 2025 will be our 20th year on the internet. We hope you keep checking in on us to see what we are up to.

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