Yserbius Gaming

Welcome to Yserbius Gaming, Pardon the mess while we restructure the website.

Island of DOOM!!

You awaken with a blinding headache.

The smell of feces, fear, and seaweed make you wish you were still unconsious. In the dim light you see maybe ten total figures sprawled on the floor. From the rocking motion and the smell, you guess you are aboard some kind of ship. You are clothed in dirty rags.

The cabin you are in measures ten feet wide and twenty feet long. There appears to be a single door. There are no windows, but dim light filters through cracks in the ceiling.

The moans from the others means that you are not the only one to regain your senses.

"Whafuck??? Where am I?" says a middle-aged human male.

"That's the LAST time I mix Dwarven wine and Gnomish firewater, says an elven female."
<Stirs awake, making a grab for my head> Mmmmoooa.... What happened...??

<Takes a look around the dimly lit hold and shudders. Tries to stand only to be blinded by the pain in my head.> Grhhhh... That smarts. <I groan>

<Anyone close enough can see that I have dark hair, currently matted from the voyage. Emerald eyes sparkle in the dim light of the hold.>

Where are we? <I ask not bothering to direct my question to anyone paticular, expecting somone to awnser anyways.>
Could ya bloody keep it down!
<Sets up on his elbows.. runs a hand thru his greasy hair to part it to one side. Rubs his sore nogg'n... scans the room...> Blast! This is not what I expected <slips back to the floor... talking to himself> I made it aboard... made it down to the quarters... Bloody crows nest! You forgot damn crows nest! <struggles to get up... looks at his attire> This'll not do 'ol chap <shakes his head... the emerald eyed one catches his attention> Where's my manners <approaches and extends a hand out to emerald...> Name's Dan, Dan Bronds...
<looks at the offered hand suspeciusly>Ahmm... Yes... Well met...

<Stands and glasps the strangers hand> Names Tiger...

<Stands and adjusts himself swaying slightly as dizziness threats to cast him down to the wooden deck. Looks around, trying to find somone....Spots her across the room.>
>The middle-aged human looks around and starts to shake.

"Oh geeze, this is bad, very bad. We're gonna be sacrificed to some dark god in some painfully horrific way."

>The female elf sits up.

"Just sit down and shut up. We've probably just been press-ganged into the Imperial Navy."

>male slumps to ground.

<shakes Tigers hand> Yes ahh... <watches as Tiger hits the deck> Right, good idea, you just rest there lad... <leans against the wall, pulls his boot off. Curiously eyes Tiger as he crawls to a womans body. Returns to his work, pops the heel off his boot and produces a small mirror. Replaces his boot and heads towards the cell door> I once heard, "Those who have one foot in the canoe, and one foot in the boat, are going to fall in the river". You my friend, have niether. <slowly moves the mirror in position outside the cell door to have a look>
<Awareness begins to drift up slowly from the depths of unconsciousness one sense at a time. First the ache in my head makes itself known and I close my eyes even tighter, willing the pain away. Next the stench of the rotting wood, filthy bodies and goodness knows what else fills my nose. Immediately my stomach begins to revolt, rolling and rumbling, the motion of the floor adding to my distress. Gagging, I push myself into a sitting position, sliding in the wet, clingy, seaweed, causing me to slip backwards. As my eyes pop open I see my hand covered with the wet, moldy weed and to my dismay it begins to move. Small crabs scuttle from their hiding place over my hand and wrist. I pull quickly away, my head spinning in pain, my only thought to get away from the crawly creatures. Sounds of voices begin to become clearer, my heart pounding in terror. I look frantically for a place to flee to but see only shadows. Somehow I manage to find myself in a corner, I shudder inside my robe, wanting only to wake from this nightmare>
The elven woman slinks over to where Dan is working at the door. She smiles and ties back her long blond hair with a strip of cloth torn from her garment.

(to Dan) "You look like the kind of man who can take care of himself. I'm Marissa."
>holds out hand.

The human male sees Tiger making his way across toward a halfling female and jumps in his way.

(to Tiger) "Tiger, huh? That's a cool name, Tiger. You a wrestler? I once knew a wrestler once named Lionheart Louie, that's kind of like a Tiger, so do you have a plan, are you gonna fight us out of here, cause you wrestler's are good fighters, do you know the Sembian choke-hold-of-death, that move is killer....
One woman, tall, but not so much right now, clutches her head in traumatic pain. Headaches are not new to her but this is a brand new fresh hell on top of the old hell that was already there.

She doesn't scream. That's what she's concentrating on doing. Not screaming.
<mumbles as the annoying human figure steps in front of him>

No... I have no idea where we are, nore how many of 'them' there are... I have no plan to fight out of this... I have a feeling it's going to take more then brute strength.. Now kindly move aside...

<Steps around the human, trying to reach the halfling, seeing it has red hair he smiles inwardly knowing he found her.>

You ok?

<he reaches a hand out to the bundle in front of him.>
*Hazy thoughts slipped past the pain. "Bad Acorn Stew." - "Too much dancing 'round the toadstools." "Termites." One violet eye opened, reassured by the wood and the dimlight. She was just a wood elf, tucked safely in her tree trunk home. Her sense of smell awoke. "Splinter's of an Uncle's Ash - tree - What is that NOXIOUS smell."

*coming fully awake, she became aware that others were near, this wasn't a tree trunk, and BirdYser - the last owl from her forest - was no where to be seen.*

*holding a hand to her head, she pushed herself to her feet. Staggered to the left, back to the right, one step forward, two steps back. She sat back down.*

"I need BirdYser."

An elven female says, "Well just never mix Dwarven Wine and Elvish Firewater..."
Fleetwood said:
"You look like the kind of man who can take care of himself. I'm Marissa." >holds out hand.>

<In one motion Dapper Dan... stands up, and slight of hands his mirror into his garments> Pleased to make your acquaintance.
<Takes Marissa's hand...leads to kiss it, his almond shaped eye's never leaving her> Tell me Marissa... have any idea where we are? <Scans the cell, looking for any furnishings> Do any of you know where the bloody hell we are?

BirdYser?Try asking the gentleman outside... maybe it's on tonights menu. <Once again he fixes his hair, his half-elven ears are visiable>
"Its obviously a plot to destroy the owl population of the world. Ever since the news leaked out of Camelot regarding the Sword and the Stone, and Merlin and his owl became all the rage for the bards to sing about - my forest has been over run with magic types looking for a way to make them as wise as Merlin. Or as hot in the bardloids."

*Standing, steady at last, she introduced herself to Dan and Marissa.*

"I'm China, wood elf from the forests of 'Ell. There was quite a fire in 'Ell awhile back and that, plus the ego driven needs of wizards, have really desimated the Owl population. I made it my personal quest to save all thats worthy and wise and nicely feathered."

*Her passion laid bare, she began to hoot.*
<The sound of a hooting owl? No.. it can't be.. my head must be damaged more than I thought The murmur of a familar voice breaks through and I peer out from under my hood> You! I should of known that you would be involved in this... this.... whatever it is....Who are these people and what is that awful screeching??
<chuckles and kneels in front of the red haired halfling>

Hey, this wasn't my fault... This time... <looks over his shoulder to the hooting woman>

And I have no idea who she is... The oil slick over there by the door is Dan Bronds... The others, I don't know... <Shrugs and stands, holding a helping hand out to the halfling> But whatever the case, I fear we're in trouble down here... Shall we go meet the rest of this unfortunate lot?
<grasps your shoulder and stands... straightening my cloak as best I can....looking around the room> At least there are others here.... <peers at the hooting woman>Do you think she is ok? <slowly begins to walk toward the group of people, smiling gently at Dan. "Hello... my name is Raisa. Does anyone know why we are here? Or where we are even?"
Uhm.. I don't know... Maybe she hit her head harder then the rest...

<looks at the squirming woman still rolled up in the fetil postion on the floor>

And what about this one...? Ah, wait... You're the cleric here... Maybe you should check over the two woman.... I'll see if I can't help out slick with the door...

<walks over to Dan and puts his ear to the door> Say, who's the elf here with ya Dan?
<sighing heavily> Tiger.. why must you always remind me that I'm a cleric? You know the problems that I have, how my spells seem to have minds of their own, especially when I'm nervous. You can't tell me that you have forgotten some of the <blushes> attempts at healing that I've had. Well, I guess I don't have much choice do I?

<i move towards the woman still lying on the floor, speaking gently as not to startle her> Hello. Are you awake? May I see if you are ok? <moving slowly and carefully I run my hands over the woman, not touching her, closing my eyes, feeling her pain, shuddering> I think you will be fine. Whatever it was that put you to sleep seems to be leaving your system. Lay here quietly and I shall send Tiger to see if he can find some water" "Tiger, please, there must be some clean water in this wretched place. See if you can locate it."

"Dan? You seem to be doing better than the rest of us. Do you have any idea of what is going on?"

<I move slowly towards the hooting woman, not quite sure how to approach her. I close my eyes to try to pick up her essence... gasping at what I feel> ByrdYser? Who is ByrdYser? <reaching out I lay a gentling hand upon the beautiful woman> It will be ok, you will see.

<I look up to see how Tiger is faring, noticing the human and the elven woman, smiles gently> It will be alright won't it?
Tiger moves over towards the door where Dan and Marissa are standing.

All of you hear the tromping of booted feet in the hallway behind the door. The footsteps stop and someone barks out an order (unintelligible through the door). Then there is the tell-tale sounds of keys being jangled.
*a warm and gentle touch stopped her mid-hoot. Huh? She looked behind her and to the sides, nobody was near enough to touch her, that left the woman standing in front of her with her eyes closed. But she hadn't lifted a hand. It wasn't shaping up to be the most productive day she'd had since begining the campaign to help owls triumph - H.O.T. - she had a rotten headache, no clue where she was, and the last owl from 'Ell had disappeared.*

The woman's voice slipped through her chagrin.

"BirdYser? He's an Owl outta 'Ell. The last one actually. He found me one night as I was switching itching powder for fairy dust in the regents chest of a wizard camped in the woods. Magick users, always with the flash and sparkle, the mystic words - and now they all want an owl. BirdYser is of the mind that the best defense is a good offense, and so he joined forces with me - China, Wood Elf from 'Ell to stop the onslaught of owlnapping."

*patting her - HER? No, these definately weren't HER rags - she stopped patting. There would be no leather bag full of parchments detailing how to become a member of the H.O.T. team.*

The jingling of keys from outside the door came to her sharp ears. She tensed, ready for action.

Yserbius Gaming News

The site will be going live soon folks. Some of the features require we be live to fully tweak the settings and find the bugs. I ask that if you see something please say something so that we can get on the issue quickly. There will be a Bugs forum thread created for this to make reporting easier and allow us to create a fix list.

Yserbius 20th Anniversary

Yserbius.Org was registered in 2005 originally and began as a barebones website with a free bulletin board script. I was a newb to all things web related. Within a few days Tiger signed in and Navic and a small community began. 2025 will be our 20th year on the internet. We hope you keep checking in on us to see what we are up to.

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