You awaken with a blinding headache.
The smell of feces, fear, and seaweed make you wish you were still unconsious. In the dim light you see maybe ten total figures sprawled on the floor. From the rocking motion and the smell, you guess you are aboard some kind of ship. You are clothed in dirty rags.
The cabin you are in measures ten feet wide and twenty feet long. There appears to be a single door. There are no windows, but dim light filters through cracks in the ceiling.
The moans from the others means that you are not the only one to regain your senses.
"Whafuck??? Where am I?" says a middle-aged human male.
"That's the LAST time I mix Dwarven wine and Gnomish firewater, says an elven female."
You awaken with a blinding headache.
The smell of feces, fear, and seaweed make you wish you were still unconsious. In the dim light you see maybe ten total figures sprawled on the floor. From the rocking motion and the smell, you guess you are aboard some kind of ship. You are clothed in dirty rags.
The cabin you are in measures ten feet wide and twenty feet long. There appears to be a single door. There are no windows, but dim light filters through cracks in the ceiling.
The moans from the others means that you are not the only one to regain your senses.
"Whafuck??? Where am I?" says a middle-aged human male.
"That's the LAST time I mix Dwarven wine and Gnomish firewater, says an elven female."