Yserbius Gaming

Welcome to Yserbius Gaming, Pardon the mess while we restructure the website.

Preventing Guest from Posting


Staff member
Ok here is how it works, the Forum is not a stand alone version it has been ported into the system so Preventing Guest posting has been disabled because we agreed to in the beggining to allow visitors to this site to view the forums without registering. So if they can view the ported version they can post. Thus the only way I am going to be able to prevent Guest from posting or members hehe from posting without being logged in is to restrict access to the forums for unregistered members. and I dont really want to do that. This is what makes alot of folks decide to register is reading post from old friends. So I need everyones input I will change it but it is going to be up to you guys i will create a poll and we will vote on it. Do I disable unregistered access to the Forum or do i let it continue the way it was planned originally and those members with a penchant for posting without logging in will have to start logging in lol...

Our Moderators should be going through the site and when they see a guest posting followed my a member explaining they posted by accident as a guest, the moderator should cut the text in the guest post and paste it into the members follow up post and mark it as edited and delete the guest post. I will make sure this is explained. So vote on it folks do we keep things like they are now or do we restrict access to registered members only. I prefer keeping it like it is now,, the occasional guest post doesnt do any real damage.

Thanks all Slohand ```
Definitely leave it as it is. There are quite a few Yserbius links, and I have rarely found even a listed name of people I actually knew. I wouldn't have ended up checking this out if I hadn't recognized character names.

I was strictly an RPI/Sword Swamp lady except for the times that I played weird games of hide and seek where we hung out using fake names and being witty until someone found you and used a password. But I'm weird. We've established this and can move on. Anyway, that means I know Jack about some guy named Jack from Mace Manor, and Jack wouldn't give a hoot 'n' a half about me.

I need a Volunteer!

Please log out of this forum and the site and then try to post as a guest in any forum and tell me if you can or not. I figured out another way to manually edit the permissions of each forum instead of a mass control. thanks and post here when you log back in. Slo ```
Ok I deleted the poll for now,,, I manually edit each Forum to allow viewing by all but restricting post and replies to registered only. so my preliminary test show if i am logged out and try to post it takes me to a log in screen this is a good thing. Thanks all for the quick beta. Slohand
*Sighs and hangs head* Sheesh folks... I know I've gotta be the worst on this site about posting as "Guest," but didya have to go and devote a whole topic to me? ;)

Yserbius Gaming News

The site will be going live soon folks. Some of the features require we be live to fully tweak the settings and find the bugs. I ask that if you see something please say something so that we can get on the issue quickly. There will be a Bugs forum thread created for this to make reporting easier and allow us to create a fix list.

Yserbius 20th Anniversary

Yserbius.Org was registered in 2005 originally and began as a barebones website with a free bulletin board script. I was a newb to all things web related. Within a few days Tiger signed in and Navic and a small community began. 2025 will be our 20th year on the internet. We hope you keep checking in on us to see what we are up to.

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