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Cyclop's Mine Key


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Cyclop's Mine Key

To get the Cyclops' Mine Key, you must first have the Sunbeam Key. Refer further to find out how to get the Sunbeam Key. Now, go to Level 11, the Dwarf Kingdom (A series of maps explains how to get there from Labyrinth 1, assuming you have the CastleGate teleport open). Once there, follow the path marked by the yellow line. You will have to cross the dangerous River of Eternity more than once in this fashion, so cross carefully and heal at the spots marked with a green H. Once you have crossed the stream to the blue locked door, use the Sunbeam Key there (assuming you have not yet done so), and it will unlock the door. From there, follow the yellow path to the western portion of the map. Once you have gotten to the wall marked green on the map, face it and use the Detect skill or an Omniscient Prism to detect a secret door. Go through it and follow the path to the Cyclops' Mine Key, marked with a red C on the map. It is used in the Land of Giants on the way to the Final Quest.

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