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Development Help Forum


Inactive Members
<Post from email...>
I was thinking... should we have a forum for "Help the Development Team"(?) that all members can view? At this time, I have alot of questions regarding certain spells & skills, which I would like to post them separately (per spell or skill). I hate to clutter up the General area. Since all members can't view "our" Dev Forum, posting help questions in there is a waste.

Also a "Dev Help" forum would be a great place for members who are willing to help but don't know what to do. This is a way to get people involved.
Example post... "Reverse-engineer the Pickpocket skill... how many attempts does it take to PP for each point you have in the skill... how many times can you PP a mob... what factor's do you believe determine PP'g success... etc...".
Someone/group could then volunteer to answer it.

People who help could get paid with Slo's funny money (gold system). :)