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Did you see the SOCK WITH TEETH!?!?


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There I was just thinking that Tater's thong must have severed an artery and that explains his lack of money maker shakin'. When suddenly I see before my wondering eyes - the much hated SOCK WITH TEETH.

You may recall that Balor sent me a letter indicating that he was just too busy to galavant with his reason for living. :

"...Sweet China, Dark Mistress of the Night... please don't beat me when next we meet. Which by the way could be a really long time, cause... Camelot's in the middle of a Dark Age! Hibernia needs me to slay Albians and Midgards. Its odd, those I slay seem to reappear, which of course isn't possible! The quest to kill can't last forever can it? It couldn't be an Everquest... No, I'm sure I'll win. Eventually. Sit beside the river in the Dwarven Kingdom and remember the times we walked within it's waters, three steps, no more. Go find that sock with the teeth in the Thieves Den. Kill it and think of me while you do it. Err..." ....

THE SOCK WITH TEETH! Ohhhhhhh. Now I have a focus! Great magics will soon commence. Or, you may find all your socks suddenly holey. You really just can't tell how these things are going to manifest.



Inactive Members
I see socks with teeth all over the place.

They talk too.

They're cute and funny but if you point out they're basically a sock with teeth they get mean and attack.


Active Members

Sock with teeth... Wow, you have some imagINNation alright... Doesn't look very white though... Looks like one of Navic's socks... Or maybe Logan's...
