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Game Addicts Anonymous


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LOL! You know what really gets me, though. I played the hell out of Civilization, but the one I keep going back to over and over is Alpha Centauri, also by Sid Meier, and much more interesting, I think.

I can still hear the voice acting in that one in my head for the technology tree. I have to play that game once a year at least, just to hear the voice acting. I play it for about a month until I get sick of beating everyone to death with the Locusts of Chiron. I ALWAYS play the cut scenes and savor the voice overs.

"Man's unfailing capacity to believe what he prefers to be true
rather than what the evidence shows to be likely and possible has
always astounded me. We long for a caring Universe which will save
us from our childish mistakes, and in the face of mountains of
evidence to the contrary we will pin all our hopes on the slimmest
of doubts. God has not been proven not to exist, therefore
he must exist."

-- Academician Prokhor Zakharov,
"For I Have Tasted The Fruit"

Some would ask, how could a perfect God create a universe filled with so much that is evil. They have missed a greater conundrum: why would a perfect God create a universe at all?

Sister Miriam Godwinson
"But for the Grace of God"

"We are all aware that the senses can be deceived, the eyes fooled. But how can we be sure our senses are not being deceived at any particular time, or even all the time? Might I just be a brain in a tank somewhere, tricked all my life into believing in the events of this world by some insane computer? And does my life gain or lose meaning based on my reaction to such solipsism?"

Project PYRRHO, Specimen 46, Vat 7
Activity Recorded M.Y. 2302.22467



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Well, since we're confessing addictions..

Hello, my name is ShoeHorn, and I'm a Carmageddon addict. Oh, and a reformed C&C addict. And a recovering UT, Phantasy Star, and Wing Commander junkie. :p

Cyren, I've never played either Civilization or Alpha centauri, but I've always heard great things about Sid Meier games - I just know that those strategy games will sap sooooo much time from me and I don't really have that much time to give anymore hehe.


Message for Upgrade
I've been addicted to many games, TSN/Yserbius were my first true addictions... then I progressed to Diablo, Diablo II and the ilk... and many others between. I've been playing DAoC for about as long as I played YS/Fates/Cawdor... I've played Emp, WoW, EQ and a friend just conned me into downloading the trial for EQ@ (the gods help me!).

<stands before the crowd> Hello, my name is Listle, and I am a game-a-holic!

And as proof? Today I saw a car with an IRL sticker on it... and my first thought was "Why would anyone advertise that they spend time IRL?"... then it dawned on me... Ireland, goofy woman, Ireland!!


Message for Upgrade
I know and recognize my limits (or at least some of them...). That's why I have kept away from online games to this point knowing that once in, I could not get out again. (Kind of like The Matrix in reverse).

What astonished me was hearing Diablo players talking about buying/selling items they had found on Ebay.

Now I (almost) never use cheat codes in games prefering to tough it out myself. To actually pay real US dollars for electronic doo-dads in a game is unbelievable. If you look up "Out of Control" in the dictionary I think that must be in there.


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Well, I did buy Simoleans on Ebay once. Mostly because Paypal money is easy to come by by lots of online easy ventures. I wanted to check out getting a lot of stuff on The Sims Online before my trial period ran out. Bought a lot of online money for about $10.00. Cost less than the monthly fee and I found out quickly that the only thing I really liked about the game was online gambling...so thus began my online gambling phase...

Games are cheaper :)


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Okay.. I'm an addict.. for sure .. and I'm blonde.. so here's my story ;p

I'm sittin in the movie theater waiting for the movie of choice to start and a preview is playing... it's for an action film.. this guy is fighting monsters with huge guns..ect... I'm sitting there thinking gawd this looks familar.. why does this look familar to me..wait.. I've seen those monsters someplace.. those doors... that hallway.. why do I know this place so well.. this is a new movie.. then.. the title of the movie flashed on the sceen. Doom.

Yes, I know.. I need help ;)


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My favorite moment is watching Lord of the Rings and JUST for a second thinking "Oh he's a wizard, why can't they just portal out?"

Or that look in my husband's eye that really means what he wants to do is lifetap the guy in the car next to him. That's his version of road rage.


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These are the games I played too much of in the mid-1990's:

Monkey Island series
Other Lucasarts adventure games (Indiana Jones, Loom, Day of the Tentacle, etc.)
Gabriel Knight
Quest For Glory
TIE Fighter
And of course, there was Yserbius :)

Good times, indeed :p

And then there were my short bouts with SWG and WoW ... but I'm over them, I swear! :D


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umm... games.

Monkey Island
Quest for Glory
Maniac Mansion
Dark Sun
Ultima Online
Asheron's Call
Dark Age of Camelot
Star Wars - online (I made tips as a dancer, what fun)
World of Warcraft

But none of them got the playtime that Yserbius did.

And I knew I was addicted to emoting when I started included (EVIL GRINS) in my letters to my "normal" friends and family. Non-emoted sentences just looked so..... *hands waving for inspiration* BORING. I'm sure it freaked them all out. Them not being part of "us".

Oh, and then there was the time that I had one friend go into Larryland and click on some outrageously obviously named guy - LongDongKong, I think, and told her to "Just say stuff - naughty stuff". And so she went along pretty well for about 20 minutes or so, back and forth. And then I said something that made her suddenly realize that she was talking to a "REAL" person. Wow, I didn't know anybody could turn that red or giggle that hard.

Now the Merc bastards have convinced Balor that because we sleep in the same bed at night we couldn't possibly interact in this lovely "anything, anything at all" world. Or, Balor could have gotten BORING. *ponders* Hmm... God, I love him.