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Heroes (Spoiler Warning!)


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Neo Peter translates much better in moving pictures. And damn, Future Hiro owned until the end. I loved the Sylar twist, but I saw it coming when "Nathan" said he was the most special person in the world during last week's promos. So Linderman will take Micah to NY to rig the voting machines. What a cad. Did anyone watching next week's promo catch Hiro ready to kill Sylar, but then he blinks, indicating he wasn't frozen


Active Members
Yeh I saw that! And here's my thoery on that...

In the Five Years in the Future, where Hiro gets shot.... Ok, stay with me on this as I try to explain.....

In the whole time paradox theory, ala back to the future.... Past Hiro jumps to the Future, sees himself gets shot... So, he knows he gets shot.... When he goes back, all he needs to do is put on a bullet proof vest. Wala! Doc Brown, I mean Hiro is still alive... That is untill Sylar, either defeats Neo Peter, or puts him out of commision long enough to take Future Hiro (Remember, he's not dead now, only stunned, because he had put on a bullet proof vest), so when he wakes up, he sees Sylar grinning down at him.... He takes Future Hiro's powers. Now the time paradox is all f'd up, he could go back to the past and sacrafice himself to his past self and gain all Future Sylar's powers... (He can't kill his Past self, cuz that'd end his life.)

Wala! Infinite Loop..... lol


Inactive Members
That's a great theory, Tiger!

Another one, much simpler, is that when Hiro was about to kill Sylar, he lost his nerve, and as such, time was no longer frozen. Sort of like how that sniper guy lost his nerve in FFVIII.


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Man, after Monday's episode I'm kinda worried on how they'll end the series... Monday's just wasn't as strong as the others had been, each one amped up the "OMG" metor a little each time, except this last one... WTF?

Is it Monday yet???


Inactive Members
I'm confident they'll end it well. 1.20 was awesome. 1.21 is the relative calm before the storm. 1.22 will probably be some build up, but 1.23 will be great.

I can't believe Hiro hesitated, even after knowing Sylar killed Charlie.


Active Members
DAMNIT, now we gotta wait....

I guess we can start a new thread once next season starts... Cie, ya read the comics yet?

Anyone have thoughts on whats going to happen next?


Inactive Members
I read the comics -- I hope they didn't just kill off Hana Gitelmann, but I don't see any way she could have survived that. So lame -- they killed a character who got television screentime in the comics. :/ Perhaps she'll live on as the ghost in the machine ...

A lot of fans are complaining about the finale, but I think it's unwarranted. The finale could have been better, that's for sure, but I don't think it was bad at all. It's just that we've seen such great episodes in the past like 5YG and Company Man, we expect the quality to be outstanding more often.

The ending was very similar to Back to the Future Part 2, IMO. It's anti-climactic, appears to serve as a conduit into the next chapter, and the time traveling characters, by accident, end up in a distant past of their personal preference (Doc Brown expressed nostalgia for the wild west, Hiro Nakamura seemed very interested in the years when Samurai were rampant and going strong).

I think Sylar's TK push against Hiro supercharged his ability to bend time and space, which is why he jumped 335 years into the past, across the globe. I also think that in order for Hiro to jump back to the future, Hiro will need to make a similar event where a special from 1671 can "charge" Hiro so he can jump back to 2006 (or is it 2007?).

Nathan dying is a little sad, but if the circumstances of the finale event are ever publicized in the Heroes world, it'll be positive for the specials, since a newly elected congressman sacrifices his life to save New York City.

Sylar -- I don't think he crawled into the sewer. I think he was pulled in, by the bigger threat that Molly was talking about. I believe this bigger threat will revive Sylar, and the two will have this master/henchman relationship similar to Palpatine/Vader and Unicron/Galvatron (Transformers the Movie 1986). We will possibly see something mid/late season 2 where the Heroes have to join forces with Sylar to take down the greater threat, but it will be a very temporary alliance with a lot of tension.

When I saw the sewer scene, that Vanilla Ice Ninja Turtle song quickly came to mind.

Hiro -- When someone asks Molly Walker the whereabouts of Hiro Nakamura, I want her to walk to a nearby bookcase, pick up a coffee table sized Japanese history book, and put a pushpin in Kyoto, on a historic map that says "Japan, Tokugawa shogunate, 17th century" or something like that, then cue Hiro's first new scene of season 2.


Active Members
Hiro -- When someone asks Molly Walker the whereabouts of Hiro Nakamura, I want her to walk to a nearby bookcase, pick up a coffee table sized Japanese history book, and put a pushpin in Kyoto, on a historic map that says "Japan, Tokugawa shogunate, 17th century" or something like that, then cue Hiro's first new scene of season 2.
ROFL Man, ya need to email NBC and tell them thats what you want to see.... I'll sign the patition to get that in the opening season....


Inactive Members
What was wrong with the final episode?
1.) People expected more of a fight with Sylar.

2.) The season finale wasn't as good as "Company Man" or "Five Years Gone".

I thought it was a fine episode, but it was simply outdone by previous episodes, and people were hungry for an incredibly choreographed, CGI intense fight. Everyone believes they went overbudget. That's probably correct. Do they have fight choreographers in Hollywood? If yes, then hiring a great one for the season finale would have been a prudent move.


Active Members
I thaught it was ok too, but some of the stuff just didn't sit right with me...

Like the anticlimactic battle? You don't need huge special effects and stuff to pull off a good battle between Peter and Sylar.