Welcome to Yserbius.Org! Join our Ultima Online Private Server and have some old school fun.



Inactive Members
How I long for Yserbius to come back. :(

I miss the days of long ago running up my parent's credit card and not letting them know until the bill came in. I got chewed out for that one.

But yeah, I'll be one of the post to play this game if you guys do remake it. I have no experience (excluding qbasic sorry bout that) but I EXCELL at writing. Well, just adding my .02 hoping you guys don't give up cos some people still miss the days INN was around.


Active Members
Welcome fellow traveler! Slo and the rest of the staff are getting things goin... Keep an eye open on the public Dev forum for the latest news on Dev... Or watch the news thread on the main page....