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How did you get started????


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As I think back about the games I played, I wonder what everyone else got into in the "begining". I started with Might and Magic, I think 4 was one of my favorites, loved the spell that would give me the map (part of why Ys was a good place for me :) ) Wizardry series was also a great one for me. Hours and hours with those two series. Online games it is/was really only 3... Yserbius, Empiriana, and now YSUO. Any one else?


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Final Fantasy and Zelda... The ORGINAL RPG's... Those were my start into the fantasy world. Then I went on to play Kings Quest and all the other Quest games, including Lisure Suite Larry. From there, it was pretty much whatever came across my desk... I was never really into the FPS's... Aside from Duke anyway. Hail to the king baby!

Online was like this.... YS, AOL (Yes, I said AOHELL), Realm, Lightning, Emp, EQ, DAOC (For about 2 weeks) and thats about it.


Staff member
In the days of the 8088 there was a text adventure game called Zork. and then there was the old 8088 Kings Quest series. Space Quest, Police Quest, then the days of the 286 and 386 brung me TSN and Yserbius after Yserbius i sort of drifted aimlessly in cyberspace. in 99 I hit upon the Ultima Online craze and played on Great lakes shard. EQ came and went, I tried it and was not pleased with the resources required to run this game. DAOC came out and on opening day Oct 19, 2001 i went online with it(DAOC) and played for 3 years until Nerfs, and such cause me to lose interest. Left DAOC and tried SWG for a couple days, not really me. I played Warcraft for all of 38 levels and lost total interest in part mostly because their PVP model was not very well thought out It was pretty much a Early UO before the Tramm and Fel Split.

The Yserbius Years were the best. and even with all the superb graphics and mechanics in modern day MMORPG's I still like Yserbius the most.


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Nice. Reminded me of a couple....I forgot about classic Bard's Tale, played it on an older apple pc. FF also, both on a console and PC. I still do some shooters and also have my kids going. They will be junkies also! I get the requests to play Star Wars all the time :) Neither kid can beat me at UT yet - but I'm not that good so it will come :) My 7 year old has played Emp with me.


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Atari 2600 and Colecovision. Watched my parents playing it while I was still in my playpen. What else would I have done the second I got out?

Unfortunately, by the time I got Yserbius, INN was already dead - and I didn't have money to pay for it, anyway.

As far as RPGs, Final Fantasy and Wizardry.
MMORPGs, UO to EQ to way too many others to remember.


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Atari 2600, VIC 20 and Nintendo.

When I got my first computer, an 8088 I started fooling around with Prodigy and doing some RP type stuff with Star Trek, then was shown Ys from my best friend's little brother and was hooked...

Then it went all down hill from there to EQ, SWG and pretty much now have given it all up........for now.


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My games of choice were Dragon Warrior (a/k/a Dragon Quest), Final Fantasy, and Zelda. Also Wizardry, but it never appealed to me as much as the other series. Oh, and Ultima. Ultima 6 was a favorite of mine.

I was also quite enamored with the adventure games from Sierra and Lucasarts.

Outside of RPG and Adventure, I was an avid player of the X-wing and TIE Fighter series.
Let's see, I remember owning a game that had pong, hockey and something else on it, then I got the Atari 2600. After that it was the Commodore64, I still remember playing the Temple of Apshai Trilogy for hours on end.


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I got hooked on Wizardry: Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord in the late 80's and it just went from there. Had a few years of console <3 but the PC has always held sway for me.


Inactive Members
In the days of the 8088 there was a text adventure game called Zork. and then there was the old 8088 Kings Quest series. Space Quest, Police Quest, then the days of the 286 and 386 brung me TSN and Yserbius after Yserbius i sort of drifted aimlessly in cyberspace. in 99 I hit upon the Ultima Online craze and played on Great lakes shard. EQ came and went, I tried it and was not pleased with the resources required to run this game. DAOC came out and on opening day Oct 19, 2001 i went online with it(DAOC) and played for 3 years until Nerfs, and such cause me to lose interest. Left DAOC and tried SWG for a couple days, not really me. I played Warcraft for all of 38 levels and lost total interest in part mostly because their PVP model was not very well thought out It was pretty much a Early UO before the Tramm and Fel Split.

The Yserbius Years were the best. and even with all the superb graphics and mechanics in modern day MMORPG's I still like Yserbius the most.
God, I feel old now. Thanks, slo. :/


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Danger: Old School Warning!

In 1977 I discovered a little game called Dungeons and Dragons (Fling your Geek insults now) D&D was outlawed in my small Rural Tennessee Community, so it was an act of Rebellion for the kids in my area to keep our cherished mail ordered books. Dice and priceless pewter playing pieces well hidden. D&D lead to AD&D which begot the love of Warhammer, which begot the love of Battletech, which begot Bloodbowl, Parinoia, a plethra of complex hexegon battlefield games..

In 1982 the school got our first shipment of TRS80 computers and a few Apple computers. For the South in this era, this made us cutting edge even above the large private schools in metropolitin areas. The game Zork soon followed, along with Under the Root, Hitchhickers Guide to the Galaxy... needless to say the possibilities of computers was a fantastic leap forward.

By the late 80's I had my first PC, and my first blazing fast 1200bd modem, this lead to BBS games, which soon gave way to MUDS, MUSHES and MUXes. Then I got the beta to The Sierra Network and NWN Online.

The Beta to Yserbius came soon after and the disease had full hold. Due to a combination of wildly erratic work hours, friends who had moved, married or just were not available, the addiction to using a computer on off days for entertianment grew*. This was soon added due to quiting drinking, and a growing health issue and more and more hours spent in front of computers for work and play.

Now I am fully addicted and patiantly waiting for the promised Star Trek Holodeck to be perfected.. When the next revolution comes, I will be ready.

* easy access to porn also helped some



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You know, it's funny, when I look back on my own gaming history. I've spoken with a lot of people over the years, about a lot of games... at the same time Ys was taking my money, Falcon 3 was taking all of my non-connected PC gaming time... but it was those TRaSh-80s and Apple //c computers that really started my addiction, too. But I really do think of Ys and the crew I met there as being the genesis of my own Internet-type experience, and in my mind, it was that group of people who really paved the way for what we have today.