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King's Domicile Key


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King's Domicile Key

To get the King's Domicile Key, you must first be at least level 20. From the Dungeon Entrance, go to The Mines. Go one step north and detect the wall to your east. A door will appear. Go around the bend to the teleport, and walk through it to get to the Thieves' Den (for the map on how to do this, refer back to the Thieves Key map). Once you are there, turn around and walk back through the teleport to get to the King's Domicile. In the King's domicile, follow the yellow path on the map to get to the Domicile Key, marked with a red K on the map. All of the traps that go down to the Lava Cellar are marked as red squares on the map. The King's Domicile Key is used in the southwestern part of the map to open a door to the King's Palace.

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