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Live Interview With Nick LaMartina!


Staff member
SG1 Radio is asking for your questions for Nick LaMartina, the Sound Designer for Stargate Worlds!
SG-1 Radio is set to interview Nick LaMartina, the Sound Designer for CME and Stargate Worlds, on April 20th at 2pm PST/5pm EST. We are currently asking our listener base for input on what questions they want to hear asked. If you have a great idea for a question that may be asked feel free to navigate to our forums and respond to this post . Even if you don't have a question feel free to post your opinion on the questions others have posted. Mark your calenders and tune in to WraithGD and DJTenchi as they interview Nick LaMartina on Friday Aprith 20th at 5pm (GMT-5).
You can submit your questions over at SG1 Radio!
