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Military Salute


Active Members
Over the next few months, we’ll be using the newsletter as kind of a salute and support one stop shop, for all our military servicemen and their families.

Where this idea started: Having not only a very good friend currently stationed over seas, but as a brother-inlaw too, I wanted to do something that could possibly leave a mark somewhere so that other people can see, that he’s there fighting the good fight for everyone back home. Many of you probably already know who I’m talking about, for those of you who don’t though, let me fill you in. His name online is DeathAngel. I’m sure now, you know who I’m talking about. He was a regular back in the Yserbius days, along with his parents Spell and RubyRed. More recently however, the idea finally kicked into full gear when my wife, Raisa, made two detications to DeathAngel’s wife and child living state side. You can see them here and here, and I’ll also be posting them on Yserbius.org soon, so everyone can see.

Idea to Action: So, now we have this idea, what do we plan to do with it? Our goal here over the next few months is to salute those currently serving over seas as well as those still at home, wishing their sibling, wife, husband, father and or mother safe travels while there. So, Yserbius.org is asking you to send us a story if you have one, about a friend or family member currently stationed over seas, maybe a message to them, and Yserbius.org will make every attempt to send them a copy of the news letter, proudly showcasing your message to them. Have pictures you’d like to send them too? Email them to us and we’ll include those as well.
Thank you all for your continued support.

Send all requests or inquiries to editor@yserbius.org

(Repost) Please help us support our troops.