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Movie - X-Men 3: The Last Stand (Movie)


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I love comics, always have. I’m a true Marvel devotee. I’ve seen just about every Marvel Movie that’s been recently done, and a few that are pretty old school. (Anyone remember the 90’s Captain America movie ? http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0103923/)

Anyway, I’ve been dieing to see X3 since it started production a few years ago. The movie delivers in all it’s Marvel glory, despite a director change. He didn’t change the formula as far as I could tell. Everything was, for lack of a better word, ‘perfect’.

There’s a cure and the cure comes with a cost. A Civil war of sorts erupts between humans, mutants and Mutant traitors (Those that want to be cured). Well, Magneto takes one side with the X-Men on the other and by the end of the movie, hearts are broken, bodies battered and no one is a clear victor. What do I mean? Well ya have to see the movie to get the full effect. No way will I spoil it for ya here. But, if you do go see it, make sure you watch the clip that appear AFTER the credits. It’s worth waiting for.

I really can’t see anything they could have done better. All the characters were pretty good. And since they’ve not been totally ‘true’ to the comic since the first movie, I can’t say anything in that regards. They’ve evolved into their own “X” status and place in my Marvel filled heart. Yes, I’m a fan boy…. Deal wit'it. :p

4 out of 4 Katana’s.



Inactive Members
Finally seen it, hated it...probably the worse storyline I've seen. You can definatly tell that Singer left with this movie.