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Tarquin's Journal


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Development is a journey -- there's no two ways about it. From humble beginnings, we set out from the small hamlet that has crowded our indomitable wanderlust for the last time. We strike out into the mountains, ford crystal blue rivers, descend into the valleys of confusion, and test our mettle in the cliffs of desolation and despair. Sometimes we find our elusive goal; perhaps we even change the world as a result. This journals details one journey in a world of travels. Enjoy.


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Much progress today!

I finally have acheived a decent level of proficiency with ClanLib, such to the point that I felt my learning framework was too convoluted and poorly written to salvage. I decided to start with a clean slate and build the GUI framework from the groud up the RIGHT way. And boy does it look sharp. Using my new system I was able to create the framework of the Guild "Identity" screen in a matter of minutes. Using my old method, just setting up the GUI shapes and coloring them would have taken an hour or more.

Starting over was a necessary step; sure, it's a little time lost here but in the end the gains from having a flexible dynamic script-driven GUI system will outweigh the few hours it tooks me to restructure my framework. I would have like to post some screenshots for slo and navic to drool over but the FTP doesn't appear to be working tonight.

Things to reflect upon:
In my best Ferris Bueller voice...
* STD maps are so choice. If you have the means, I highly recommend implementing them.

* Also, shame on me for not realizing that the set_options signal is a blessing and a half. It has made my job at least two to three times easier. Instead of needing to dereference and implicit cast until my fingers fall off, I can now plop a little attribute into the GUI script and get instant results -- without a compile! Glory be to the lords of the fair land of ClanLib. May they prosper as is their custom.


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No progress today. Had to wipe my computer today on account of a freak SPDIF aneurysm but everything is back up and running and Shadows Resurrection is in one piece. We'll see what tomorrow holds.


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No work today. Real life dictated other time commitments, as I assume it has for the other members of the team. Work should resume within a day or two.


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Wrote a menu system today and worked out most of the bugs in its initial iteration. And boy is it slick. Many thanks to the ZZ GUI Example in the ClanLib package! I can now proceed to finish off the component modules of the Shadows GUI and maybe do a little victory celebration by writing a contextual help sniffer. After I get the GUI in ship-shape, it'll be time to write the character generation code, patch in RakNet, and give Shadows a test with Navic and Slo.

We may talking a couple of weeks of work here, however, so nothing to write home about yet. Still, we're getting closer. It's refereshing to see teammates with some vigor for developing -- Navic's fervor for cataloguing the various gameplay statistics and elements is going to save me so much gophering. Many thanks to the team.


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Lots of good progress today. Not as much as I'd like, but the scrollable text area is kicking my ass. I may just have to write the damn component from scratch, but even then there isn't going to be a satisfactorily elegant way to acheive what I want. I may just have to settle for something that works.