Welcome to Yserbius.Org! Join our Ultima Online Private Server and have some old school fun.

this isn't really 3d graphics or animation...


Active Members
but it's definitely art related....

any word on the banner stuff? made 'em a while back and they're still not up?

ps, can this forum be renamed graphic design or something? please?


Active Members
Sorry, we've been pretty busy out in the real world... Slo's swamped at work and me? Uhm... Well, I don't have the access to add the banners... Come to think of it, haven't even seen them... Anyhooooo... As for the renaming of the forum... Uhm... Well, maybe not right at the moment... Why? Because we'll actually need this Catagory, as I've outlined in my recent Journal entry.

Still... I would consider this a catch all art catagory if ya want to post anything artisticly... :wink: