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Ummm... Slohand about my gallery.


Inactive Members
I think I'd like you to NOT make my gallery part of the "RANDOM" flow across your front page, please....

If somebody goes to the trouble of reading the message behind the gallery offerings, thats one thing - otherwise I think your site may get umm... well, a different sort of traffic.




Staff member
no can do

No can do, the Random Program is Random, I would not post any photo you would not mind seeing on the main page. I will look into stopping it but currently i dont see a way. I will study on it... Slo


Inactive Members

*fans herself with her new wings*

That was an exciting few minutes, eh Navic? :)

This is SUCH a great site. And I firmly believe in the joy of CHAOS - I am spent now... wheeee. :)

I need some coffee, maybe some mezcal. Salt and Lemon anyone? :)

Figure out that random issue and I'd love to use my gallery. ;p


Inactive Members
A few minutes... M'lady you do give me credit :p

<licks between his thumb and index finger, pours some salt on... holds his shot above his head>
I propose a toast, to Slohand, Tiger and Cyren! Thanks my friends for all you do here! Salute! :D


Inactive Members
*steals the shot, licks the salt from Navic's fingers.*

"To Slohand, Tiger, and Cyren."

*shares the salt in some fashion, and the shot*



Inactive Members
Cheers! :D

<thinking Pete Rose, Emmitt Smith, Brett Farve, Sergie Federov, Anna Kournikova, Tim... err... Anna? Not Anna you moron!> :p

Yo Slo check your email


Active Members
:D :lol:

BTW, I haven't seen a way not to make it random on sub catagorys.... Maybe in the newer Copper Mine.... I tried this same thing on my photo gallery and could not, not choose personal galleries....


Inactive Members
Cyren said:
We can't be finished drinking yet.
Your right! :twisted:
To ahh... to drinking! <drinks again>
To friends! <drinks again>
To serbius <drinks again>
To mem'ries <drinks again and falls off his stoll> :p


Inactive Members
That's Right!

*sprinkles some salt on Navic, he would have liked it this way. Says a few words. Draws a mustache on Navic.*

Anyone have a somberero?


Inactive Members
<The fog begins to clear… thru his closed eyes… the tavern ceiling has been replaced by sky, the remaining fog gathers into puffy clouds against the bright blue sky. A spring breeze sets a cloud resembling a foamy mug of ale in motion... ending the eclipse it held on the sun. The bright star warms his face (“Navic”)… someone approaches, he hears footfalls on the dry autumn leaves… leaves or maybe herbs, smells nice... the clouds re-capture to sun (“Navic”)… no, not clouds… wings, reaching out across the sky… his minds eye squints… is it an Angel? >


<Struggles to open his eyes> LC? Ahh… I feel like I got ran over by a VW… err a Warhorse...