A few people on your list...
The last I heard from Jazzy, she had moved to Texas to be with Mouser. I spoke to her briefly afterwards and then we dropped off.
If the Chastity you mentioned is the one from LOR, she's my RL little sister. She's doing good. We're all out here in the Vegas...
Lookin to catch up with...well...everyone, but most importantly would be any and all members in LOR and the Gypsies.
For those that don't remember, I was:
Maxmillian in LOR
Stealth in the Gypsies
A few guilds I was in that i didn't see mentioned here.
LOR (Lords of the Realm)
Spar Junkies
AoV (Angels of Vengeance?)
Then there were the Amazons and everyone's favorite the Black Widows.
Gawd it's been a while....
Aftershock Max