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Island of DOOM! Part Two


Message for Upgrade
(lowers crossbow)

"Well I'm sure glad you ain't no pirate. I gots some food at my place over yonder."

(points to a clearing visable through the trees. You can see a crude lean-to.)


Active Members
<Calls out to Raisa and the others> Hey guys, over here... This fine islander has agreed to share some of his food and water.

Your a good man... Uhm... I didn't catch your name.... <Holds out my hand to shake the strangers> Name's Tiger... Tiger Darkclaw....


Inactive Members
*bobs and weaves from tree trunk to tree trunk, crawling low behind clumps of beach weeds, eyes on the shoreline for items of interest. Spotting a familiar looking cask she runs to retrieve it. WATER. Rolling the cask back to the shadows of the jungle edge, she made cautious progress towards a lean to where Tiger and others were gathered.*

Water, water everywhere - I found some drops to drink. *Giving the cask a final push, it hit Tiger in the back of the legs and created the diverting illusion of him breaking into a jig.* SORRY!


Message for Upgrade
(puts the crossbow down)

"Pleased to meet you Tiger. I'm Jack. Been here (looks at a tree with numerous notches cut into the bark) two months now."

"My ship got caught in a storm and wrecked. Found myself alive but marooned."


Active Members
Pleasure, my friend....

<stumbles over to the leanto, looks over his shoulder at Lady China. turns his attention to the leanto, taking in everything, trying to learn about the simple man, but appearing to looking for food or water.>

Whats on this island? What was the ship you were wrecked on? Were there other survivers? Besides us here, did you find any other survivors lately?


Message for Upgrade
"Whoa, so many questions. I'm not used to talking out loud anymore."

"I was taking transport on a merchant ship to the southern jungles to get work in one of the camps there. I haven't seen any survivors recently. Last month a ship arrived with some evil men and a priest of some kind. When they landed I figured I was saved, but they drew steel and attacked me! I managed to hide in the jungle and they eventually left."

"That's why I came out with the crossbow. I had to make sure you guys weren't pirates."

"This side of the island is pretty safe. There are banana and coconut trees. There's also a spring, so there's water. Every once in a while stuff washes up on the beach too."
"The other side of the island is dangerous. The trees are thicker, there are giant spiders and some sort of ruined temple. I haven't done much exploring over there. "
(sits down)
"Might as well get comfortable. You'll be here awhile."


Inactive Members
*Eyebrows raising, a trickle of dried moss and humus flakes off her camoflauged face.*

Giant spiders and a ruined temple? Giant in comparison to what? A giant of a man could be a foot or two above your highest normal height - say, seven or eight feet. Thats only a *looks to the left, calculating, lips moving silently, cursing, muttering some more* hmm.. a 20 percent increase in size. Given that ratio a giant spider could be a good six inches around. Giant, yes, but surely no reason to avoid the place!

*She stared*


Inactive Members
<Arrives just in time to hear the tail end of the Giant Spider discussion, shudders> Spiders? Where? <looks around and scoots out of the shadows> I hate spiders.... giant or otherwise........ Did I hear someone say there was water?


Active Members
Jack, mind dealing out some water and a bite to eat, while we discuss this further?

<Rolls the keg of water, Lady China found over to Jack> Those coconut shells will make fine cups...

<sits on his heels across from Jack>

Now, Jack... <Nods to the pointed sticks> How did you make those? I don't see any blades...? Did you happen to kill any of those pirates that attacked?


Message for Upgrade
(passes out coconut cups)

"I used this," (pulls a dagger from behind his back) "it was mine before the storm." "I didn't kill any pirates, I was running too fast."

(to Lady China)
"And the spiders are about three feet across. That's giant enough for me."

(passes out bananas)


Inactive Members
<greedily drinks the water, not even minding that it was warm and brackish tasting, listening to the conversation> Three Feet!! Those aren't spiders... those are..... well... huge!!! <my eyes keep darting to the trees and undergrowth expecting to have one of these 8 legged monsters appear any second>


Inactive Members
*considers the banana, then pats the monkey vest and fez. no, do not put the banana in your bodice, dear heart, it will seem odd. I'm sure there's more monkey bait around this tropical type place. Eat the banana. Noooo, take the peel off first. Very good. Smile. Chew with your mouth closed. Good job. Drinking thirstily, tiny rivulets of water wash the mix of moss and humus off her chin, leaving the impression of a goatee of lightness. She smiled.*

Thank you, that was delicious. Those are large spiders. Did you know that there's a plant called the MuffetTuffet that frightens large spiders away? I have no idea how it works, of course. My cousin, Sassafras Sally told me about it when she was studying obscure herbologies of the world. No idea where she got her information. She seemed to pull it out of the air, or her a-- *she sneezed ferociously* choo! 'scuse me. Anyway. I know what it looks like, and its tropical in nature. Could be you've got some right here on this island.


Active Members
Well, considering we're the only ones we know of on this island, I think its up to us to explore the ruins.

<looks at the sticks again> Those won't make very good weapons... We'll need longer ones... Could you make us a few? and are you able to fashin more bolts...?

<looks around> Orrrr.... <Looks around for reeds> A blow gun....

In any case, we need to find Slick and Marrissa... And I for one don't want to spend my life on a beach, with no services are waiting on me hand and foot.

So I say, lets go exploring....


Message for Upgrade
(smiles at Tiger)

"I've always wanted to explore those ruins. But alone it would have been suicide. I can take you there today if you want."

(points to the pile of homemade weapons)

"I have six spears and three wooden stakes made up now. I tried making wooden crossbow bolts, but they don't fly right. We have four shots...that's all."

"I have my metal dagger, and I never thought of blowguns. It's worth a try."

(brightens up)

"We should keep an eye on the beach. After a storm new goodies may arrive."

(to lady China)
"Here dear, sit in the shade. You sound like you've taken as much sun as is good for you today."


Active Members
Well then, lets get started... Since you have the dagger, find us some reed that can be easily hollowed... The straighter the better... Uhmmm... Ammo... Well... <Looks around> Keep an eye out for anything that we can make small needles out of... Oh... I know.. <stands and looks out over the ocean>

Raisa, do you think you could find some Long-Spined Sea Urchins... Or something of the like, that we can use the spines as ammo.... Here... <Hands Raisa a wooden spear> Take his so you don't get pricked by one... Get a few if you can find some...

I'll walk up the beach looking for anything else that we might use... Lady China, walk down the other direction, see if you can find anything that we might use....


Inactive Members
Aye, Aye, Captain! *salutes* I really think the MuffetTuffet is something to look in to. It sorta looks like a... like a mushroom you might expect to see a hookah smoking catapillar sitting on. If you can imagine that...

*wanders off in the direction Tiger points to*


Message for Upgrade
Walking along the beach, you find a crate. Excited, you open it and discover women's undergarments.

(Lady China)
You find sand, some rocks, and bits of kelp that make you giggle. Kelp...sounds more like a sound effect than a plant. You wonder if the other sea plants make fun of its name. You think that's mean. You resolve to tell the other plants to leave the poor kelp (giggle) alone.
Maybe you should get out of the sun.

You find some bamboo (or its equivilent) and realize that without something long and straight, you won't be able to hollow out enough stuff, nor get it smooth enough to make an effective weapon.


Inactive Members
*Looking up from the kelp forest at the sound of a HOO HOO HOO AH HA HA, she saw a monkey's long tail flick in her general direction. That was the second time it had taunted her this day. This time it she would chase it down and convince it that the vest and fez weren't attempts to take away its simian culture, but rather an effort to make it more appealing to possible employers. Running after the scampering monkey she briefly wondered if she'd been out in the sun too long.*


Message for Upgrade
(Attempts unsuccessfully to make a dart gun).

"Oh this is never going to work."

(throws bamboo to ground.)

(to Raisa)
"If I remember my Halfling lore corectly, Halflings can see in the dark. Is that true?"

"It gets pretty dark in the jungle, having someone who can spot the spiders will probably come in very handy."


Active Members
<Chuckles as I return to hear Jack say this to Raisa over the crashing waves>

Oh, I have no doubt she'll spot them... In fact, when we hear her sreetching, "Spider!!!" and running the opposite direction, we'll know she's found one...

Hmm... Come to think of it, the high pitched squaling might scare them away... <winks playfully at Raisa>

Well, we're wasting valuable light... Since weapon making appears out of the question, maybe we should pack up what food and drink we can carry and go.