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Island of DOOM! Part Two


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"Don't bother with the food. The island isn't THAT big. I would rather do hit-and-run and not camp out in the Temple. That place looks spooky from the outside. I can't imagine what its like on the inside."


"Okay, we can all take a spear. I'll hold onto the crossbow. Who wants to use my dagger?"


Message for Upgrade
<Strolls out've the vegetation towing Marissa by the hand.>
Miss me?
We stubbled across a few dead bodies <looks at Marissa>
The poor girl couldn't handle it so we didn't check them.
<Approaches Jacques, hand extended>
The name's Dan, Dapper Dan.


Inactive Members
<waits until Dan's introduction is complete before responding to Black Jacques> Your memory is just fine, and you are correct. I do have the halfling ability to see in the dark. It has saved me from many a fright in me many years. <glares at Tiger> His too... I recall another rather large bug that had HIM screaming like a little girl. And you had better believe that my eyes will be WIDE open in there <jerks thumb over shoulder towards the dense jungle>


Message for Upgrade
Raisa said:
...had HIM screaming like a little girl.
<Chuckles in Tiger's direction>
I believe it... where's your pretty red dress you were wearing last I seen you chap?
<Peels Marissa's hand from his>
It's alright luv. Everythings fine.
<Helps her to a seat>
Need some water or something?


Active Members
<Ignores Raisa implications, rather deciding to tactfully pretend to not hear the stab at him... Thinking instead, "That bug was twice the size of a dragon, it was goina eat me! Good thing I had my sword... I miss my sword... ">

Dead bodies? Were there weapons, armor, anything usefull on them?


Active Members
Lets go then Dan... As for the dress, yes well... I'll let that one go... This time... <mumbles and follows Dan, picking up a spear Jack made just in case>


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*Chasing the rapidly disappearing monkey butt she tripped and fell over a log. It was a squishy log. Covered in fabric. Her toes told her all this. She turned to verify the odd information her toes had conveyed and screamed when the very crab that had abused her nose earlier in the day (it looked EXACTLY the same, claws and all) came scuttling out of the open mouth of a corpse.*

"OH NO! You will NOT pinch me again." *She took a nearby rock and smashed it down on the villanous crab. A meaty thunk from the face under the crab was unexpected. She blinked, dropped the rock, made a face, and heard a shouted, "BOLLOCKS!" from nearby. She thought she might cry, then decided to laugh.*


Message for Upgrade
Marissa slumps to the ground.

"Water, yes that would be nice."

"I've seen battles before. Dead bodies are nothing new. But, there was something...disturbing about the bodies in the jungle. Its hard to describe."

(voice trails off to a whisper)


Message for Upgrade
"These bodies are news to me."

(eyes unfocused trying to remember)

"Yet, when the pirates landed there seemed to be lesss of them getting back on the boat than got off."

"I can't be too sure since I was running and hiding."

"So, what's it to be. Battleground exploration or ruined temple?"

"The light isn't going to last, so we better get going."


Active Members
<Archs a brow a Lady China....Shrugs and addresses Jack>

Yeh, lets go see the bodies... They may have equipment and armor we could use... I'd rather have a sword thin a pointy stick, if we're going up against crazed Giant Spiders...


Message for Upgrade
LadyChina said:
*She turned to verify the odd information her toes had conveyed and screamed when the very crab that had abused her nose earlier in the day came scuttling out of the open mouth of a corpse.*
Agreed, we search the bodies first then...
<hears LC scream>
<Sign> Sounds like our hooting friend found the dead bodies.... lets go!


Inactive Members
“Wait… lets think a bit before we go.” <walks to Marissa and kneels before her> “Marissa? Marissa… what did you mean that there was something ‘odd’ about the bodies? What was it that frightened you in this manner?” <looks towards the other men> "Marissa doesn’t seem to be the kind of silly female that becomes this upset over nothing. She saw… or sensed something was wrong here. It may be worthwhile to try to help her see if she can put her finger on it.” <looks up to Black Jacques> "These spiders.. are they the only oddity that you have noticed on this island? Have you heard or seen anything that we should know about before we barge into a place that you admit gives you pause to enter alone? We don’t need to be walking into something that may end up badly when we may be able to prevent it with a little thinking and planning.” <waits patiently to see what Marissa or the others have to say>


Message for Upgrade
You collect Lady China who was soundly berating a crab. You ask her why she screamed and she points downward, hand shaking.

You see nothing.

Lady China covers up her suprise (badly) and gives you grief for not getting there sooner.

With Dan leading the way, your group passes through the jungle. Lush foliage turns the sunlight green as you move along.

There is a noticable hush as you come upon a clearing. You look upon a sea of carnage. Ten or twelve bodies of fighting men are strewn about the ground. They are in various positions, but there is one constant...all have a look of extreme terror frozen on their faces.


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Raisa, Marrissa say anything?

<walks over to the nearest dead guy and looks him over... Picks his sword up, as well as the buckler, atatching it to his forarm before pushing the dead body over to see if theres anything under him. Pats him down quickly. making note to look at everything no matter how trivial>

Don't think he'll mind if we take the weapons...

Pick up whatever you can use... There's a few weapons laying around, a afew maces and swords and bucklers... Take what you need...


Inactive Members
“No she didn’t have a chance before we all moved out. I think it’s a mistake though, going forward so rashly… she <looks towards Marissa> well she just doesn’t seem right. <looks around at the carnage and the people that I have come to consider friends walking amongst the bodies. A tremor fills my soul, the thought that SOMETHING is wrong fills my mind. I slowly walk towards the edges of the clearing, eyes closed, listening intently for something, anything that may explain the sudden heightening of my senses. Feeling that danger lurks nearby, I open my eyes and peer into the darkness. Shadows flit before me, igniting the flame of alarm even higher> Stop! Wait, there is something out there…. <stumbling back towards the group overcome by fear and something else that I can’t quite define. I place myself just outside the ring of bodies but as far as I can from the trees> Tiger.. there is something here, something watching us. I can’t quite pick up what it is exactly, but I saw the essence of it moving amongst the trees. We need to be careful.. we can’t be caught here when the shadows begin to fall.”


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<walks over to where Raisa is standing, handing her a mace> Here...Ya may need this...

<looks into the forest>

I'm with her.. Salvage what you can and lets get out of here...


Message for Upgrade

Marissa screams incoherently and points behind Tiger.

Tiger stumbles and he realizes one of the dead pirates has grabbed his ankle.

The other bodies begin to pull themselves up. A sickly green light shines from their eyes.