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Hey slo or tiger or n e other site admins navic etc.....:p
do you have patch or a ver of yserbius that is compatible with windows vista??? If it already is then i feel stupid:-( i used the command prompt but the error i get is "this system does not support full screen mode"
i can still play on my home comp but not my laptop, home= XP, laptop=Vista


Active Members
Ok, did you just say compatible with Windows Vista? Your kidding... Right...? This a joke? Am I on Candid Camera?

No..? Seriously...??

I don't know man, lemme try it tonight on my Vista Laptop and see what I can find... Will letcha know.


Active Members
Ok, here's the verdict.... It works just fine...With full screen... On Vista Laptop. I downloaded DOSBox 0.72, and ran Yserbius with no problem. I'm assuming your talking about the off line version. Any other version, you'd prolly need to ask the respected programmer for support.

Happy hunting!


Active Members
TY Tiger lol Vista really irks me, I have a game called Total Annihilation Kingdoms which was made in '96 - '97 and that works fine on Vista, then I have this game called Dungeon Lords made in '06 that is not compatible at all with vista............arrggghhh how can a game that came out 3-4 months before Vista not be compatible but a game that came out almost 12 years ago is. :). ty again for lookin at the issue for me and yes it was the offline version.

TY for the DOSBox I downloaded it and it works perfectly, now I dont have the version to play online n e more as I had to reformat my harddrive a month or 2 ago is that still availible? I still have the password and IP Address I think .....(looks).... well maybe not where do I get it again?


Inactive Members
I had the same problem with Vista.....I installed DOSBox 0.72 it works but now I have no sound and only a window sized view for game play ... this is the offline version as well.

I didn't know there was an online version it probably doesn't work with Vista either..... :(


Active Members
Not sure about the sound... Since I tend to play most older games with a custom soundtrack ala-MP3's. The Dosbox website, notes several thrid party plugins, some I am sure would emulate sound correctly. Check them out.

As for full screen. Edit the dosbox.conf file located in the DosBox folder. Change the fullscreen=false to fullscreen=true
Restart DosBox.

Wala! Full screen.

As for an online version. Currently we are supporting byoung's InnRevival project

Or see his website. (http://innrevival.googlepages.com/)